negotiating rates

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by 100%Gofio, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. PPNLE

    PPNLE Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2017
    St. Paul, MN
    Good ol' Landstar...
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  3. p608

    p608 Road Train Member

    Nov 10, 2016
    I get it, it's ok for you to lie so it doesn't cost you any money
    spyder7723 Thanks this.
  4. boredsocial

    boredsocial Road Train Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    Louisville, KY
    I mean you're calling basic market research shady in this thread. Honestly how exactly do you expect people to figure out what the rates are in areas that are new to them? Just guess?

    Over the last 2-3 years probably <1% of my posts have been for research. It's not something I do a lot, but when I do do it I'm gathering information for my customers. I don't think this behavior is anywhere in the neighborhood of unethical. Annoying but not certainly not unethical.
  5. boredsocial

    boredsocial Road Train Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    Louisville, KY
    Ok buddy keep lying about lying on an internet forum. You have the moral high ground. Your virtue has been signaled to the WHOLE INTERNETS.
  6. p608

    p608 Road Train Member

    Nov 10, 2016
    Not at all YOU are just like every other POS broker and the reason brokers have a bad rap.
  7. boredsocial

    boredsocial Road Train Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    Louisville, KY
    Yeah... Can't win 'em all I guess. You got me buddy.
  8. PPNLE

    PPNLE Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2017
    St. Paul, MN
    Alrighty, everyone back to their metaphorical corners or something. Let's try and stay on topic, here.

    @rollin coal - you asked our thoughts earlier on if we thought things were coming back to earth this past week. What have your own observations been? Or for that matter, any of you guys running the spot market?
  9. p608

    p608 Road Train Member

    Nov 10, 2016
    The fact that you can justify your lies and the lies of your carriers shows the type of low rent operation you have.
  10. Scooter Jones

    Scooter Jones Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    The thread is about "negotiating rates". Most owner operators, like myself at least, are negotiating with brokers.

    I think the recent postings by this broker boredsocial fellow are very revealing.

    Not surprising, but it underscores and confirms the perception and experience that many of us have regarding the shadiness of many brokers.

    He admitted as much. Go put that in your "research" pipe and smoke it.
    spyder7723 Thanks this.
  11. boredsocial

    boredsocial Road Train Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    Louisville, KY
    Being able to price lanes is a fundamental feature of DAT and one of the things we are absolutely paying for. I get calls from trucks all the time asking if I will have more loads like the one they are calling about in the future. I cheerfully answer the question in the hopes of growing my business.

    Brokers price checking markets is how new freight enters the market. You having to make an extra 1.5% outbound phone calls is worth crippling our ability to see new markets? Seriously?

    You need to get your head out of your own ### more dude. Really.

    All I've done in this thread is be honest... And somehow some extremely silly people have taken their hostility towards my occupation (a feeling that I think is legitimate a lot of the time honestly... I picked this business because I liked the way my competition looked... they looked positively marbled then and they still do) and twisted my extremely reasonable positions into some kind of admission to every sin they've ever accused a broker of. Guys... I've brokered 700 loads so far this year. I've taken less than 6k in deductions from trucks on those 700 loads and I did it while disclosing absolutely everything about those loads that I knew up front. Not because I'm running a charity but because when you do 700 loads in 10.5 months with 1.5 people (my wife helps when there's overflow) you really don't have time for any of it.

    You gotta stop looking at brokers like they are the enemy. Instead look at the group of them and separate them into further categories. Some of those categories are full of ####ty people. Don't do business with them. I suspect once you've done this your feelings towards brokers will improve. This is how I stop myself from hating all truck drivers because a few of them have screwed me over HARD.
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