Never Stand Still

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Mike2633, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    @DougA your right Never Stand Still is a hard read that's why I'm trying to do my best, the book is choppy and I'll tell you what not that I am the best but I am not a Harvard or Yale either, but some these executives are quoted a lot in the book and oh dear lord, these are all college educated people and I'm not talking Jr College I am talking, the Harvard's and Yale's of the world and these guys as far as grammar and sentence structure are awful.

    The editors of the book constantly have parenthesis in the quotes, because these executives command of the English language is so bad. You've probably heard better English on the CB back in the day.

    Evey time I enter a post on this thread I am hoping I have it all which is why I am constantly referring back to someone like your self who actually lived it, because the book is readable, but it's a hard read it is choppy the way the book was put together chronilogically could have been way way better it's not the way I would have done it they refer to years out of order which is my biggest beef with the book, the info and subject matter of the book is fine, but the mechanics of it are very very choppy. Of course your right the book was written by management about management so naturally there going to make them selves look good and they could talk more about the drivers and air plane pilots and mechanics and sales people and all of them they briefly talk about the CF sales structure, but they don't spend to much time on that, mostly it's good info, but it's also a lot of management patting them selves on the back.

    Another one that I read 99% of, was The Wreck of The Penn Central that's another business book and Never Stand Still is easier then The Wreck of The Penn Central, but The Wreck of The Penn Central that one is tough and to make a long story short with that Penn Central made some very very bad investments had terrible management was not competitive at all totally neglected there railroad business and boom that was that.
    It didn't help that on Merger day when the Pennsylvania Railroad merged with New York Central the Pennsy only had like literally a million dollars in the bank which for a business like that is absolute chump change.
    Blind Driver and DougA Thank this.
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  3. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    CFs hub and spoke system 1982
    Bob Dobalina Thanks this.
  4. DougA

    DougA Road Train Member

    Dec 16, 2013
    Retired,In my shop in Md.
    I don't know if you've read it,but another good book is "A Corporate Tragedy".It's about the rise and fall of International Harvester Co.Well written,and another history of how piss poor management destroyed one of the largest companies in the world.
    I've always been a mechanical person,and when I first got out of high school,I went to work for IHC as a truck mechanic in their factory branch in Balitimore.Made journeyman diesel mechanic in short order,good paying union gig for a young guy,but I just couldn't see myself punching a time clock the rest of my life.So I believed all the BS stories the truck drivers were telling me there,and decided to buy a truck.Had a little money saved,and bought my first rig,1969 IHC COF4070A,NTC 335 Cummins,13 speed direct,big truck for it's time.Owned International trucks (and farm equipment) my whole life.One reason that book is kind of personal to me.Sad,sad story.Pic of my first truck,and some of my other Internationals,back in the day.The tan Eagle I bought new in 1977.The black 4300 is a Glider I built in my shop myself,back in 1986.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2016
    Grubby, bzinger and Mike2633 Thank this.
  5. Bob Dobalina

    Bob Dobalina Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2015
    The "Buckeye"
    Old Dominion is now in the old CF terminal in Columbus. I work with a driver who worked there for a few years until they shut down. He has some real good CF stories.

    He described the atmosphere as being similar to a prison, where certain people would be challenged constantly unless they put up a fight. Tons of testosterone. Fistfights were not uncommon. New guys were hazed, etc. until they fell into a clique. If you appeared to be too cozy with management, you'd be targeted. Air lines cut, etc. Inmates running the asylum! Very well paid inmates, though. It sounds like it was quite a place.
  6. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Sounds like they had one heck of a culture going on there LOL!
    Bob Dobalina Thanks this.
  7. bzinger

    bzinger Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    omaha , ne
    Great thread Mike and thank you for the time you put into it !
    And yes I remember Rollins and was involved with them for many years operating their equipment notch people and service second to none .
    Did Bryan Rollins buy the rental division from cf ?.
    Dam near cryed when I pulled into the Milwaukee branch one afternoon and found out the company had been sold to penske ...i was based out of the Omaha branch .
    Penske kept putting a red number on my truck to identify it as a Rollins unit and kept tearing it off lol.
    Bob Dobalina and Mike2633 Thank this.
  8. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Rollins was in business at the time and CF had a bunch of other business well in the 1960s CF CEO Bill White wanted to sell off some of CF's business that he didn't really like and one of them was there truck and trailer business. Rollins bought CF's truck and trailer rental business from them, however Rollins was already in business prior to that.
  9. bzinger

    bzinger Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    omaha , ne
    Ah ok Mike and thanks ! Saw pictures of Bryan Rollins place in Wilmington del back in the day .
    Some at Rollins ate slept and breathed Rollins .
    The shop manager at Omaha was one of those and the the sale to penske was crushing to him ...he lasted a year after the sale and died in his sleep one night .
    A dam good man !
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  10. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
  11. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
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