New Antenna!

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by pilldriver16, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. jessejamesdallas

    jessejamesdallas Road Train Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    OK...Only thing I said, that really was not true, was the part about using the Coily I have, to pick-up trash down at the street!:biggrin_2553:

    But regardless of what Dan said, if you look on his site, at the pictures of his older antenna's, you will see they use to have flat stock coils...Now, this has been debated on every CB Radio Forum on the Internet, as to which are better..."Flat" or "Round"...So nothing New here...Fact is tho, Flat Stock Coiled antenna's end up on the Heavy Side, and catch more wind, which means you have to have a good sturdy mount to hold the antenna in place...Now Dan may or may-not admit that he started building antennas with round stock coils after the Predator 10K's started getting popular, maybe it was just a coincidences...

    Of course I'm going to back the Predator 10K Antenna's...But if you check around, I'm not alone. Also, like I stated, there is nothing wrong with the Mr. Coily line of Antenna's...Dan still makes some Antenna's that has the Flat Coils, and there are guys out there that think Flat is Better. "Whatever" If you have good luck with them, then that's a good-deal.

    I have no problems with Dan, and never have. I even backed his antenna's at one time...I wish Dan the best of luck with his Coily's, and who knows, one day I may end-up buying one of his Base Antenna's...

    Main thing I was getting at with the Predator 10K's that you got "second-hand", is just because you couldn't get them to tune lower than what you said, dosen't mean there was a problem with the antenna's...Even with the Mr. Coily's, once they are tuned on one truck, dose not mean if you took them off, and put them on a different truck, that they will tune the same as they did on the first truck...They will need to be re-tuned in most likely hood...

    Anytime you buy something like a mobile antenna used...there is a good chance your going to need to replace the stinger to get it to tune, "If" the stinger has been cut on by the first person that used it...
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  3. FriedTater

    FriedTater Keeper of The Snakes

    Mar 25, 2009
    United State of Texas
    Sorry fella it isn't a Club Thing :biggrin_25510:
    I was most likely running 10K's before Jesse ever saw his first one (I lived 4 miles from their origin and it was a local gig long before they were ever put on the market)

    A person cant tune a 10K to 1:1 never tried,those coilys are in no way Superior to what has already "BEEN" a standard.
    Just another new kid that will soon fade away . . . . . remember Monkey Made 15 years ago ?
    You got it ,sitting by the bucket fulls in every rat shack cb hole in the USA.

    See you and your coily sticks in 15 years maybe ?
    Naah'ot likely.
    10Ks will still be here.

  4. pilldriver16

    pilldriver16 Bobtail Member

    Apr 27, 2009
    Just an update on my Trucker coils From Mrcoily antennas..still working great! Nice solid swr patter been talking lots skip like never before:biggrin_2554:I personally think it is the better antenna it is light weight,welded,solid shaft,dang near bullet proof design 10-k is weak compared!!I ordered a base this weekend from Dan and talked to him about how long he has been doing this antenna thing he said 17 years! He can remember when predator just showed up on the internet and then the who and what is better started,also before he ever started flat coils he used round coils then went back to round.Now doing more flat as thats what the guys want.looks like to me he has been doing it 17 years and not going anywhere anytime soon..well i just got home from a long trip in the truck and time to get busy in the yard.
    Far as i am concerned Its a Coily World!
    JJD is a club memeber every forum you go to he talks smack and if you dont run a predator your some kinda idiot :biggrin_25518: it gets old the Mr coily antennas are just as nice tune just as well anyway beating a drum.
    148gtl top sectret
    2 mrcoily truckers 1.1.1
    road devil
    2x8 pill
    32 pill on the way!
  5. FriedTater

    FriedTater Keeper of The Snakes

    Mar 25, 2009
    United State of Texas
    You got issues fella,thanks for the giggles :biggrin_25526:
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