S can far & wide
M ake my space safe
A nticipate the actions of others
R emain focused on driving
T ell others my plan
-- L
New driver minor accident
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by TruckerRob310, Oct 29, 2024.
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TB John, TruckerRob310, tscottme and 1 other person Thank this.
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tscottme Thanks this.
I like this job aswell everyone is really good to me and nice and jokes around was not planning on leaving anyway!!
tscottme Thanks this. -
TruckerRob310 and tscottme Thank this.
TruckerRob310 Thanks this.
Good news!!! the police crash report statement says the other driver was found at fault for causing accident due to unsafe lane movement and not signaling into the merging lane. Still wish accident never happened but definetly a learning experience! My boss also got a hood mirror installed for safety precaution to prevent any future issues!!
Cherokee65, mitrucker, Iamoverit and 2 others Thank this. -
Numb Thanks this.
Diesel Dave and Numb Thank this.
You didn't get fired. Count your blessings, don't ask questions, don't worry about your record, keep learning, and do better. In that order.
TruckerRob310 Thanks this.
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