Thanks!! I wish I could take pictures and video but we unfortunately can't have our cell phones or video cameras out on the range. First thing all the instructors said was they do not want to see themselves on YouTube. Lol or else I would for sure have recordings, videos and pictures everywhere for all to see. I really respect them so I'm abiding by their rules. I guess they feel like there were to many videos or something out there.
New soon to be swift trainee!
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Newtrucker48, Jun 26, 2012.
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Ahahah, ok bud.
I got 90 degree backing down better than last week so tomorrow I'm told I will be doing off set backing sight and blind side. Hope it goes well!!
Here's a fun little simulator game to dink around with. Too bad it only has the one map and not a bunch of challenges. Your peers at school might like it. Thanks this. -
Thanks! Today I am working on sight parallel instead of off set backing. I couldnt get it at first but now I'm getting it down. I just had to learn to keep the tractor and trailer as straight as possible. Turn the wheel, correct, turn the wheel, get it in the spot and pull up. I was having so much fun I didn't know it was time for our first break. Time seriously flew by from our pre trip to now. Can't wait until I get all this down. It's exciting! I'll update later as well!
On my lunch hour, I practiced sight side parallel and now working on blind side parallel. I can get in the box ok it's just I have to set up better before I start so I'll be straight on both sides. I poke out a little on the drive in side. The "curb" is easy to miss for me, probably because I don't get all that close, but it looks like I will have to so I'll be straighter in the box come test time. It's hot here in Texas but this is so fun. I basically have a tractor/ trailer to myself for now because the 2nd and 3rd classes has 5 in class 2 and 5 in class 3 but they are working on straight line backing for today and tomorrow. Friday is test day again. I feel way more comfortable and confident now compared to last week. I honestly was afraid of the truck. Got to start working my legs out and stretching more cause these clutches will wear a leg out! Let y'all know how it's going after lunch!
Nice, nice. To be honest, I can't remember the last time I had to do a blind sided parallel so you're probably doing better than I could after 11 years of driving! You're totally right about the set up, it is everything to a successful back. Even after you master backing, some days you will just blow the set up and struggle to stick that wagon in the hole. Don't fret, it happens to all of us (except the skateboards haha). If people start talking crap on the radio, just turn it off. You're going to find a lot of smart mouths that love to dog on the swiff drivers, especially when you're backing into a spot at the truck stop. Don't take it personally. Those folks need to cut down other people to feel better about themselves.
My best friend ran for swift and he was one of the best drivers I've ever known. A cut above the rest.
Have fun, be safe.Newtrucker48 Thanks this. -
Had a good and productive day; practiced blind and sight side parallel backs. Tomorrow I will test on these two, off-set, straight line, coupling and uncoupling, pretrip inspection and 90 degree back. Tomorrow is basically volunteer to test day, but I want to get it all out the way so I can relax on the mandatory day Friday and retake day Saturday. Made the mistake last week of waiting until the last day to test for all. Learned my lesson!! Like always I'll keep you posted on the going ons here. Thanks!
Print out the first post you made and keep it. Then compare it with where you are two years from now. I'm sure there will be a world of difference between the two. I kinda of get a hint that you look at your MVR and saw no ticket on there. Are you thinking of not listing the ticket on your application? If so that would be a huge mistake. It's better to face the ticket than getting caught lying on your job application. If you lie then most likely your career is over. Answer all the questions just as they ask them. Do not give more information that needed. If they ask "have you ever been convicted of speeding?" then you've got to say yes. But if they say "have you ever been convicted of speeding 15mph over the speed limit?" then you say no if you haven't. Never give more than what they ask.
You do see a lot of Swift trucks around. But my opinion is they are many because they pay the lowest and rip off the driver for the school. Just how many Swift drivers have retired from that company. Not many if any. There's many postings on this site where Swift drivers talk about making 350 to 500 a week. Can you live on that? And if they have you under contract you either stay or leave and pay the penalties. I would say most leave and Swift makes a bundle when that happens. Don't get me wrong there have been a few that have used Swift to gain experience and moved on when the time came. But as I have said before just have about 6 months living expenses put aside so you can make it. Use the company just as much as they are going to use you.
Go ahead and get all your endoresements that you can except HM. Wait until you need it because of cost. If you go in with the idea that Swift is not the best and you're going to get as much as you can from them then you'll do OK. I just hope you get a trainer (mentor) that has some experience and can teach you the right way so you can be successful. Swift has a bad habit of using drivers with only 6 months experience to train. In my book a driver like that couldn't train because he or she needs training themselves. Good luck and if you're not locked into Swift look around because there's a lot better companies out there.Joetro Thanks this. -
I'm beginning my test after break on my two parallels, straight line back, coupling and uncoupling, pre trip, and maybe 90 degree back. This morning I was hitting the sight side parallel like bam bam bam. Before break I got tired some of my classmates saw it and told me to take a break cause they could see I wasn't doing so good anymore. There is only 7 doin the skills test in back of the academy, 5 in the front doing straight line practice and assessments. Instructor randy says he has clearance to build another trail after everyone tests today and tomorrow. I'll let you all know how it goes, or has gone at lunch!! Later
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