Thanks Browny.
I am about 1 1/4hrs from the Burlington New Jersey Drop yard, about 5 minutes from a small truck stop, but there is one area in town that about 8 - 10 trucks park in every weekend.
I had an Aunt that lived in Coon Rapids. She died in 01 so I haven't been back there in years, other than a quick stop at the grave site last summer. I like Minnesota in the Summertime... (I like Florida in the winter)
Newbie Questions for CRE Drivers
Discussion in 'CR England' started by KMac, Apr 28, 2012.
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Just ask dm when you get to that point, should be no problem. Ahh a Minnesota summer, and agh a minnesota winter. Makes sense that so many people from here spend winters in Florida. After so many years you just get tired of 25-30 below.
I live in East Texas, 127 miles from the Dallas Training Facility of CR England. The zero tuition and 6 month work commitment sounds good to get started trucking. There are a lot of negative posts about Stevens (some good also). I need to know from those who know already if CR England has a good reputation for new drivers and would be a good company to get started with once a commitment to trucking is made.
Thanks for any input. -
i considered Stevens to the point I had bought a ticket to Dallas. There has been a lot of back and forth about Texas and out of State students so after 5 changes in three weeks, I decided on England. I will be attending training in Indiana instead. You being in Texas will not have those issues that I had with Stevens.
In my months long studying of the starter companies I actullay had Stevvens rated higher than England as far as places I wanted to work. Stevens had much less bad said about them than England, and there is the prevailing opinion that England pushes peopel to lease and Stevens not. Stevems seems to have better equipment too. Those were some of my reasons for choosing Stevens first.
When it seemed like that wasn't going to happen I applied to England with the intention of paying the tuition up front, saving $1000 and not having a commitment. However when the Recruiter called and I mentioned this she told me thay were doing the no tuition for a 6 month commitment. Stevens will end up costing over $5000 when its all said and done that is loaned interest free but will be payroll deducted for about three years.
With that in mind, I am starting training with England next Monday and in about 6 1/2 - 7 months I will be free to go or stay with no financial obligation. That seems like a fair deal to me. Especially if you have never driven before, it is a much cheaper way to try the OTR lifestyle and if you find it isn't for you, .you still have the CDL
I was still a little leery about England but Sunday I called an old Army buddy (We were truck drivers in Europe in the 80's together), he has been trucking since he got out of the Army in 94 or so, He is an O/O now and he actually told me he thought more of England than Stevens. He runs Reefers west of the Mississippi and runs into these guys all the time. While I don't think he has ever worked for either he said the England drivers seem to have better things to say about their company.
I have known Davy for over 30 years and trust him implicitly so that made me feel better about the decision also.
Which ever you choose, make sure you are comfortable with the decision. I wasted $241 on a non refundable airline ticket to Dallas, but on the other hand, I am saving a ####load more on the tuition.
Just my $.02
Good Luck with your search.Belt Loop Thanks this. -
My previous student just got into the Walmart dedicated out of McCarron Nevada. He drives a day cab and is home every night. I guess there is company positions available.
there are a lot more day cabs here than when I was here 10 years ago. I guess we can drop loads at the Mira Loma lot instead of delivering all of our loads in L.A.
oh yea .... and it means local jobs
I wouldn't think England is a lot better than Stevens or others for new drivers, but it beats a boot to the headBelt Loop Thanks this. -
The Fresh Express dedicated has openings too, I am debating about changing fleets to them. 5,800 miles a week training and home for a day and a half every week. The only problem is I can't sleep while the student is driving, I don't know how other trainers do it.
Belt Loop Thanks this. -
kinda crazy huh?
Belt Loop Thanks this. -
A boot to the head beats the hell out of $250 a week.
Belt Loop Thanks this.
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