Newbies questions

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Nova Scotia newbie, Nov 15, 2023.

  1. Nova Scotia newbie

    Nova Scotia newbie Bobtail Member

    Sep 7, 2023
    Hi guys .I'm on my 4th week alone finally.I went through 2 and a half months at commercial saftey college taking the tractor trailer internship , passed my road test and got my class 1 with a manual transmission. I Completed 8 weeks of inelternship with the company I'm working for , that consisted of driving 5 days a week with a coach/ instructor sitting in the passenger seat while doing P & D.
    now I'm on the road this my 4th week.So far so good .

    There was slot of things I learned along the way .I would say even more things that I didn't learn as it seems there's much more that you learn as you go ,and some that I forgot lol.

    I find it difficult to get any questions answered while working, so I hoped maybe I might find a few veteran drivers on here that might not kind answering the odd question I have . I know alot of guys that are new or newer don't seem to like taking advice or even admitting that they don't know the answer to something . I'm not that way , I'm all ears . I like hearing from you fellas ,whether it's critiszm (good or bad ) a good story or a Dirty joke lol.

    One thing I was wondering is do you only slide the bogies or the 5th wheel when your over the legal weight on whatever axles are over weight .
    Or is there other tell tale signs that they should be slid ahead or back .
    I ask because I was heavy last night , and there was alot of weight on the drives and it was extremely floaty in the front end.and I don't know what's normal when it comes to handling and being heavy like that .

    And when I ask someone about how much weight you can have on each section of the truck I've gotten a bunch of half assed aswers and nothing definitive .I don't know If these guys really are unsure or just #### me around kind of thing .

    Anyway I appreciate any help or advice
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  3. BLBurton

    BLBurton Light Load Member

    Nov 3, 2022
    Which province are you in and do you do cross border / inter-provincial?

    Steers = 12125 Lbs
    Drives / Boogies = 37478 on tandems / 52910 on tridems

    There is an APU exemption of 496lbs if you have a WORKING APU

    MB and SK only allow 50706lbs on a 10 ft spread tridem expect for some major highways

    USA weights differ but I can supply those if you need.
  4. Nova Scotia newbie

    Nova Scotia newbie Bobtail Member

    Sep 7, 2023
    I'm based out of moncton but I run NS and NB.

    Thank you very much sir I appreciate it
  5. Ex-Trucker Alex

    Ex-Trucker Alex Heavy Load Member

    Jan 7, 2023
    Always slide your tandems all the way forward if you go into New York City.......or older parts of Montreal, or Boston......
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