You might want to leave out the part about a trailer light not being fixed in the future interviews.( I have fixed more lights under my own volition than I care to remember.) It’s really not a safety issue as much as a dot violation. Nevertheless, it gives off the impression you are unwilling to accommodate an employer and that you are a complainer.
Try your best to not badmouth a former employer, and job hop. Those are red flags, and being in Meridian, you will run out of choices quickly. I’m not trying to belittle you, just tellling you what I know to be true.
Non experienced position
Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Drpparker95, Mar 16, 2018.
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Not having your license and med card on your person is not a safety issue, but is a dot violation if operating a CMV.
A light not working is a dot violation if it is a required light. A required light is also there for safety. I dont follow your thinking @shogun. -
Willing to quit a job because they won’t fix a clearance light or marker light is a little extreme don’t you think? I would have done like I always do, grabbed a ladder and fixed it myself if I was that concerned, or put it out of service and documented it. It seems a bit sanctimonious and off putting to draw the line in the sand over a light, and this is coming from someone who has been DOT’d 14 times with my company.
Lights are obviously there for safety, but a middle clearance light on the rear of the trailer isn’t a danger or safety issue as much as is it something a DOT man can see. Trust me, I empathize with people who work for companies who don’t fix equipment, as I live it daily. I just think it sends a bad message to a prospective employer to have that attitude early on.Blackshack46 Thanks this. -
It wasn't just one light, it was two lights one on each side, and also shouldn't take a company a week to even call the company that handles the maintenance. Not really bad mouthing but on those terms violations and negative inspections don't look good
If it was Ryder, I feel bad for you. They are the worst, and they routinely ignore things I write up to be fixed. So I make videos and document it every time. If the lights in question were in the front of the trailer it could be a wiring issue, or a bad fuse. -
Nope back of the trailer and it was penske that handled the maintenance. I told my supervisor about the issues and even showed him multiple times everyday the same thing oh well get it. To be fair a coworker has had a trailer messed up to the extent that the door won't lock in place when closed because the little metal part on the deck is missing. He has brought it up multiple times but they don't care he drives around town with his trailer door up wide open with nothing but a tommy lift keeping stuff from coming out
I can understand abs light, top clearance lights not being top priority. But then i have always worked for companies that fixed the small #### as soon as possible. Which was not long at all...
Or where i work now, small stuff? I fix it myself and charge the company for time. Large stuff? The mechanic comes to my house and fixes what he can.shogun Thanks this.
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