O/O with crete carrier, good or bad?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Trucker327, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. Trucker327

    Trucker327 Light Load Member

    Dec 24, 2017
    Buying a tractor with crete for O/O...good or bad?? And what about being an o/o with them? Good or bad?
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  3. Brettj3876

    Brettj3876 Road Train Member

    Nov 18, 2014
    Land of local
    So Lease purchase you mean? If so bad move the horse is dead already
    Need4Speed Thanks this.
  4. Trucker327

    Trucker327 Light Load Member

    Dec 24, 2017
  5. O.Henry

    O.Henry Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2012
    San Antonio,TX.
    You can “Purchase” a used truck from Crete,then hire on with them.You get all their discounts along with it (fuel,etc)
    I have no info for whether it’s good or bad.
  6. mover man

    mover man Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2010
    Why do most guys automatically say "lease purchase your dead in the water?" Now I will admit I've never done it. But my company has one and I've seen a lot of guys and gals make it work. I have also seen many who failed. Most of them would have failed with a FREE brand new truck. My point is everyone and thier situation different isnt it?
    O.Henry Thanks this.
  7. Hurst

    Hurst Registered Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Tampa, Fl
    Coal miner living in a company house, in debt to the company store. Company controls work hours and success or failure.

    That's a lease purchase in a nutshell.

    Personally if I'may going to fail I want it to be my fault. I want control in my success or failure.

    If you don't have the credit to finance and/or the capital to pay cash or at the very lease cover an engine overhaul,... history has shown over and over that these people get in over their head and fail.

    Now you guys can do what you want. Your grown men and women. But if you don't understand the steps needed to get into this business and get the work needed to be profitable on your own with out putting your entire business model in the hands of people who have no interest other than their own pockets. Your in for a world of let downs.

  8. Gdog66223

    Gdog66223 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Coal Town
    I think he was just joking when he said lease purchase your just dead in the water. So many guys wanna make quick money and they think lease purchase is the answer. I got a buddy who drove for an O/O in the oil field last year and he cleared somewhere around $2800 a week hauling frac sand, so that might be an option for you Trucker327
    Crude Truckin' Thanks this.
  9. Moonshadow1918

    Moonshadow1918 Light Load Member

    May 13, 2018
    Most lease purchases pay the same after taxes as a company driver makes. Purpose of a lease is to reduce overhead of the company issuing the lease which increases profits. I think all of us would love to have somebody takeover the cost of operating our truck. I would be glad to pay somebody 1.30 mile why I pick 3.50 mile freight from my office.
  10. roadtech

    roadtech Medium Load Member

    Sep 4, 2010
  11. O.Henry

    O.Henry Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2012
    San Antonio,TX.
    I do see 2013-2015 trucks listed for sale by O/O on Qualcomm.Seems they tried it,and now want out.Gotta suck,to be stuck like Chuck with a truck.
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