OD Truck Driver Training Program

Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by mxpx148, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. cellopudding

    cellopudding Light Load Member

    Apr 22, 2013
    Indianapolis, IN
    I'm lovin' it! Definitely the most money I've made in a while. We'll see how happy I am when winter comes and freight slows down and I won't get as many miles.
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  3. mxpx148

    mxpx148 Road Train Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    NEPA, PA
    Well, I got the job! I'm starting PT on the dock on Friday. Have to do at least 30 days before they consider me for a driver, which is actually a good thing so that newbies can get aclimated to the freight world. I'll be working 9 hrs./day at my FT for now and then working the 5:30-9:30 after work so it will be hectic for a while, but I will try to update this post for anyone that is interested in how the whole process works.
  4. cellopudding

    cellopudding Light Load Member

    Apr 22, 2013
    Indianapolis, IN
    Good for you! Let us know how stuff goes for you!
  5. white wolf

    white wolf Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2013
    well I have a freind that I reffered to od about two years ago because he had always been one of those guys that worked three to four jobs a day and being in his fortys he is just to old for that so I got him the job at od he worked the dock for about a year and a half and now is becoming a line haul driver the thing I like is that this is one of the few jobs this day and age that actually can give someone hope in the future and actually can support themselfs without killing themselves yeah there are days that are difficult but Ive worked for half a dozen trucking companys and wouldnt give it up for the world
    cellopudding Thanks this.
  6. white wolf

    white wolf Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2013
    Well I will tell you this I have been with od for years and in the last 4 I have not seen it slow down at all in the winter time maybe like a week or two in late feb but to be honest the levels have not dropped at all
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