oilfield the new adventure begins will keep you updated

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by C.B., Sep 1, 2012.

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  2. HeWhoMustNotBeNamed

    HeWhoMustNotBeNamed Crusty Pogosticker!!

    Jan 25, 2012
    Cartoon Network
    Hmmm...... how did I miss the last 5 posts ?? Ya know what ?? The more that Tommy Lee Jones feller and Will Smith guy keep showin' up and wantin' ta take my picture all the time, the more ..... um ..... ( what's that word for "can't remember" ???? ) ..... oh yeah !!!, the more forgetful I get. Hey Gigs !! I got two words for ya, TMI and PG-13 ! I know CB better'n that ! Don't make me call Supes or BHW on ya !! BTW, whatcha mean "now if HeWho..........I bet he would have something to say". You sayin' I'm a bwabbermouth ?? :biggrin_2556: I resemble......um..resent that remark !!! Watch out Jim, first me, then CB. She'll turn on you next !! BTW, loved that New Mexican joke, ya wrote it poifect !! :biggrin_25514:
  3. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    Heya FLO

    LOL HEWHO.....how ya doin ?? nice to see you in here.....
    FloTheWaitress Thanks this.
  4. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    HA...i was just thinkin bout you.....LOL i see you down there....
    JimDriv3r Thanks this.
  5. JimDriv3r

    JimDriv3r Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2009
    Yeah, I got lazy again....

    Well, not completely lazy. It was a combination of sleeping for long periods of time mixed with imaginative bouts of replying to emails and text messages...due to sleeping, of course. One minute I was feeling good that I finally replied to everyone and the next thing you know I was waking up! All of that work for nothing! Thanks, brain. You still suck! Perhaps I should punish you by killing off more brain cells after a sixer or two.....

    And the world was supposed to end? What happened? All of those loud-mouthed smart people swore up and down that the world was going to end. Yep, even the "End-of-the-world" believers didn't want to sign their truck titles over to me either. The world was going to end and simply put they didn't need their trucks. Dang. So much for getting a free ride in life. So you mean to tell me that I still need to work towards a truck and not expect anything for free??? Whooda thunk.... :biggrin_25522:

    And 2013 is right around the corner!!! Are you good at math and numbers, Giggles? Okay, how about this math problem: How much material in tons are you going to move in 2013? Just take a wild guess. Random answers will warrant a failing grade. A big fat juicy "F"!!! So hop to it. Chop-chop! :biggrin_2559:

    Lastly, here's to another profitable year in the oil industry! Tell CB to get his behind online and post to his own thread! I don't care what he says. He can be all like "Yeah, I still enjoy my job out here" and all will be forgiven!
  6. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    LOL..i love ur posts....CB promises to be on later...i am going to soak in a hot tub... the only thing that can relieve this pain some....while i am in the tub anyway....HUGS and be safe...
    JimDriv3r Thanks this.
  7. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    well CB had said he would get on here and update...he LIED...lol...course there is nothing new to tell....we are both off til wednesday....been nice for a break...cept the break broke the bank...LOL
    JimDriv3r and HeWhoMustNotBeNamed Thank this.
  8. JimDriv3r

    JimDriv3r Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2009
    Maybe CB really stands for "ChickenBunny", lol!

    *Bok, bok, bok, bok, bok*

    He should hop his behind over here and at least write a final post for 2012! It'll be one for the history books....or something. Even just by me calling him a Chicken he should be rushing to log in as he's pushing you out of the way to make his grandiose comeback.


    What will you guys do different in 2013 that you haven't accomplished in 2012? Do you have any New Years resolutions or goals? I haven't made any resolutions myself yet. And if I get too lazy to log in over the next few days, then

  9. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    i think he is just lazy....LOL

    glad to see you are surviving winter.....i know how bad it can get out there....

    hmmmm lets see.....just be resolved to stay off the road...LOL that seems to be a tough one for us...it never lasts long....but we are both determined to do it this time

    CB has a good boss (finally)..he has been with this guy since Sept. and he pays him, and keeps the equip. in nice shape...so thats good...he really likes what he does too. he should be doing OD loads again after the 1st...but still hauling dirt as well.

    as for me...well i am planning on making the move to where CB works...the guy wanted to hire me in the beg. anyway..but the company he was leased to, wouldnt let him cuz we are married...however, he isnt with them anymore....soooooo i alrdy did my SLS training back a month or so ago...just have H2S training to do....he will be telling me in the next week or so i hope as to when he needs me to start...then gonna give notice where i am ...i would stay put BUT i always have equip. issues..AND if i change, i get several things in my favor...

    1. a 1.50 an hr raise right off the bat
    2. set working hrs (daily and wkly)
    3. wont have to be the taxi anymore if we both work at the same place
    4. will be getting a 2011 389 daycab pete (with about 70000 mi on it)
    5. will be getting a 2011 belly dump
    6. will get to run with hubby occ. which is always fun
    7. have a great boss
    8. less stress....
    9. no one else will drive my truck

    where i am has too many issues....and they lied about my raise.....and i am tired of breakdown almost every day...either truck or trailer....

    how about you??? whats your plan for the new year??
    HeWhoMustNotBeNamed and JimDriv3r Thank this.
  10. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    oh btw if any of you wanna come in here with a smart comment about me changing jobs, keep it to yourself and move on, its not welcome here....
    C.B., JimDriv3r, LaBubba and 1 other person Thank this.
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