oilfield the new adventure begins will keep you updated
Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by C.B., Sep 1, 2012.
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Giggles the Original and otherhalftw Thank this.
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I wuv you Mr Otter..
Go get him Gigs!!otherhalftw and Giggles the Original Thank this. -
hey NJ....i have no problem with friendly input or advice...HOWEVER i would appreciate you not tryin to recruit others to your thread...also..as for FLO we know her personally and she is our friend....HAMMER is our friend as well..as is OTTER..., and you MUST be nice to her...ya hear??? or else you will find out what its like to have a short lil fat girl give you a butt whipping....we are all friends outside of the forum....so plz behave...i would ask that of anyone who comes here...or else i will kindly show you the door..thanks
Last edited: Sep 2, 2012
LaBubba and FloTheWaitress Thank this. -
I'm so sneaky!!!!!!!!LaBubba, Giggles the Original and FloTheWaitress Thank this. -
why yes, we do.....^^
truckin is full of moaners....i have been out here just shy of 22 yrs..NJ and hubby 29...just wait...you aint seen nothing yet
behave plz
alrdy have one...LOL
yes it is CB's thread.....so please respect it
thanks girl
no i dont recall him telling you we were gonna be gone a few days...H2S training is Tuesday...and yes she can read.....not nice...NJ...not nice....
yes...and most appreciated too...XOXO
fair enough...thank you
lol...me??? awwww heck you know i am sweet, shy and innocent.....FloTheWaitress Thanks this. -
yeah OTTER...you are a sneaky one...but need i remind you that AFTER you did it...you basically RAN to your trk???? LOL chicken.....
FloTheWaitress Thanks this. -
ok, lets get this back on track plz...
FloTheWaitress Thanks this. -
Love ya girl!!
Giggles the Original Thanks this. -
####adoodledo.........not chicken......remaining on the "endangered species list"!
FloTheWaitress and Giggles the Original Thank this. -
CB is napping...he will be back shortly...however no new news ....
FloTheWaitress Thanks this.
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