Ok who did this opps
Discussion in 'Con-Way' started by passingthru69, Feb 6, 2017.
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Cw5110, double yellow, lovesthedrive and 8 others Thank this.
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nice job, ! LoL~
I would say it was con-ways fault since the damage starts at the front of his trailer.
No worries, that conway/cfi truck was probably already on his way to the body shop to get the name changed on his trailer again.
Starboyjim, Sublime, lilillill and 3 others Thank this. -
It was me I must confess, I was trained by Swift so geepers what happened?!!
lovesthedrive Thanks this. -
I can't take credit for the pic. It was posted on the flatbed side. I just thought to post it here and see if any of you all knew about it.
carramrod32 and Big Don Thank this. -
Don't know for sure but looks like the over size was turning and CFI tried to continue straight ahead. Hummmmmm no escort? Sucks to be them
Getsinyourblood Thanks this. -
No, I believe the escort is back behind the blade somewhere. Trust me they have a rear car....
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