Okay Swift, if you'll have me, I'll give it a shot!!

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by JustSonny, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. JustSonny

    JustSonny Big Dummy

    Oct 22, 2009
    Troutman NC
    (I am not a shoo-in. Hoops, hoops, hoops!!!!!)

    I've applied and I'm jumping through the qualification hoops now. They've run my MVR, both in Mississippi and New York, both clean but I knew that already. All the questions on the application that needed to be answered with a truthful, verifiable NO, I've answered with a truthful, verifiable NO. I've sent signed copies of releases for employment verifications to the recruiter. I'm doing Swift's on-line CDL training this weekend and I'll go get my permit next week. I'll go ahead and get every endorsement under the sun (only $5 bucks a pop, except for Hazmat). I'll go ahead and take the hazmat exam and get the paperwork started for the background check. Between now and May 26 (possible start date at Millington Academy) I'll get my passport. I got a copy of my DAC from Hireright, even though I only have a Class B and I've only used it as a school bus driver, but, I wanted to be sure that there were no entries that were on there by mistake, like from someone with a similar name. I'm prepared financially for the no-pay during school and for the lean-pay during training with a mentor. I'm also prepared to pay Swift off in full if, after giving them a 100% effort for not less than 9 months, I find that it's in my best interest to look elsewhere.

    Have I lost my mind? Of course not, I'd have to find it first!!!

    What am I missing, except for the aforementioned mind?

    Swifties: PM me if you have suggestions or advice that would be beneficial but would provoke "big brother's watching" paranoia if shared in the open forum. Or share your thoughts/wisdom/advice right here. Thanks! Oldnew...

    Other forum members and friends: You've been a great source of information for me for the past 6 months. Please add your own thoughts if you have the time and inclination. Thanks!
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  3. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    Good luck keep us posted on your journey.:biggrin_25520:
    JustSonny Thanks this.
  4. JustSonny

    JustSonny Big Dummy

    Oct 22, 2009
    Troutman NC
    I'm pretty sure you had more to say, but, thanks my friend, for your help along the way! :biggrin_25514:

    HEAVY DUDE Road Train Member

    Jan 5, 2010
    Just say NO to fleese/lease.
    JustSonny and halfburn Thank this.
  6. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    Tooo Cooool !!!!!!

    Always was something swift about you !!!!!!!!!!
    JustSonny Thanks this.
  7. JustSonny

    JustSonny Big Dummy

    Oct 22, 2009
    Troutman NC
    I'm a 56 year old BSer from way back and you know what they say..... "you can't BS a BSer"! The whole process and sensibility of leasing would have to change dramatically before I would consider leasing over buying my own equipment. Thanks for your input, I sincerely appreciate it!
  8. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    No; actually not. You did not rush into this and took plenty of time to make your decision. It is the ones that rush into it and don't bother to research and then start complaining. There have been several that have done quite well with swift. I know a former trainer there that did a good job. What I have a problem with is when 6 month solos start training people.

    Your welcome and I wish you well.:biggrin_25520:
    JustSonny and yleecoyote23 Thank this.
  9. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    BTW doesn't mean you get a free pass on me making fun of ya...:biggrin_2559:
    JustSonny, Scarecrow03, Ken and 2 others Thank this.
  10. rich_t

    rich_t Road Train Member

    May 28, 2009
    United States
    Good luck Old
    JustSonny Thanks this.
  11. wildbill123

    wildbill123 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 31, 2009
    You could do worse, and for a minute I thought you might. I know a guy who has been with them for five years and he is happy. He runs out of the Atlanta terminal. I know they used to let you switch terminals if you wanted to run out of a different area of the country. The guy I know lives in Michigan but runs out of Atlanta because of better freight.
    Good luck I think it will be a good fit for you.
    JustSonny Thanks this.
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