Old Experience = No Experience ?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by VA CDL Holder, May 2, 2022.

  1. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    How would anyone know you live overseas most of the time. It's only mentioned at the end of this thread?
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    He and some other temporary expats, including me, discussed that several years ago.
    Another guy hasn't posted in a long time. He has a home in Philippines and Indiana.
    Several drivers on here own homes in various places, such as Caribbean, South America, African Continent, Thailand, etc. and sometimes drive trucks in the USA.
    Last edited: May 3, 2022
    tscottme Thanks this.
  4. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    The office dwellers also have lots of stupid rules and people dictating what they have to do. Trucking seems to be the only career where getting trained for it makes you expert in every other field. Maybe it's that almost every driver works alone, knows what he knows but not what he doesn't know, practices giving his speech on topic A 30 times, and is never contradicted, because he is talking to himself. Feel free to start a trucking company and run it how you want to run it. I'm pretty certain the people making hiring decisions at trucking companies don't have a convention and decide how to screw drivers, just to screw them. I'm certain, like truck drivers, they learn how someone is doing something, and that it works, and they adopt that technique. EVERYBODY has a boss. Insurance companies dictate certain decisions. Also, beware of the people that only tell you every problem is someone else's fault, especially if they are involved in politics. People like that have been making promises for hundreds of years and they always seem to produce destroyed countries and mountains of dead bodies. It's not an accident that the countries that tell you what to do get worse results than the countries that don't get involved in every decision. The world is full of humans. Humans are not perfect, so no system run by humans CAN be perfected.
  5. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Thanks for the explanation.
    Chinatown Thanks this.

    DRTDEVL Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2013
    Austin, MN
    You wonder why Knight won't re-hire you? Look at this snippet:
    Every time you are hired, it costs money. Transportation to a terminal. Lodging. Orientation/Training. In less than 5 years, they already paid these expenses FIVE TIMES on you alone. Why on earth would anyone pay that a sixth time, knowing your record indicates you will quit again in 6 months (or less)?

    You aren't going back to Knight. Knight owns Swift, so they technically paid this 4 more times in the preceding 3 years... I am about to sound like Mr. Rooney in Ferris Bueller's Day Off... "NINE TIMES!" They paid these expenses nine times in eight years. Cut Swift off the list as well.

    Now, knowing your situation, it looks worse than reality. The paper is what the bean-counters see, and that's where the hard NO comes from. As I told you in the past, you need to find a smaller company that works with a person, not a body. One that knows you fly here, drive for a few months, and fly back to your family overseas. Hire on with them under the understanding that it is "part time," drive until its time to fly back, and then let them know a few weeks in advance of your return so they have a truck ready for you to go again. This also prevents the excess money being spent, as you are paying for your return flight, and you remained on the payroll the entire time you were gone so there is no re-training or orientation, just get a ride back to the terminal, inspect the truck, sleep a bit in the yard, then go grab your first load. This is a win-win for everyone, as the company knows in advance how long you will be driving (and won't NEED to replace you) and you will always have a job every time you fly back to the US.
    gentleroger and tscottme Thank this.
  7. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    @VA CDL Holder--given your track record and experience--I can't help but think that Chinatown has this one nailed (pretty much as usual)--you're a shoe-in for a temp agency.

    Seems like they would put you to work when no one else would. :)

  8. Lexuslane

    Lexuslane Medium Load Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    It doesn’t cost them money to rehire the same driver .
    All the hire expenses are for the background check drug test road test etc
    According to this timetable , he works for 3 to 6 months and then takes off a few months .
    Perhaps he has medical issues or perhaps it’s stress or whatever and he just needs a break from driving .

    no one gets upset when school teachers take off during the summer .

    farmers work a lot harder in the summer and fall than during winter .
    I know a guy that owns a jet ski rental place at the beach and he works his butt off all summer and takes the rest of the year off .

    I know a guy that drives a propane delivery truck , works his butt off all winter and plays golf and goes fishing all summer .

    say , you’re looking for a seasonal job .
    Propane deliver driver might be it .

    I’m sure some places would be happy to not have to find work for you to do during the summer , or they might lay you off and you could collect unemployment all summer .
    Not sure how that works
    ProfessionalNoticer Thanks this.
  9. VA CDL Holder

    VA CDL Holder Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2011
    If you follow this board closely, you’ll know, it is what it is. It all goes back to cost of living. Nothing more to it, but there’s no place like the USA and I miss it. That’s why I flip back and forth with my driving and non driving.
    201 and Sirscrapntruckalot Thank this.
  10. VA CDL Holder

    VA CDL Holder Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2011
    The costs of hiring a driver are built in to the cost of doing business. Only Schneider didn’t pay for my hotel because I had a Phoenix address. Knight has paid lots in hotel bills for me at the Comfort Inn on 51st Ave. The going company rate was $64, it’s probably increased with this reckless inflation.

    Right now, I’m looking at a one way ticket from Cebu to Phoenix and the cost is nearly $1300. So the expense game goes both ways. The same flight in August 2020 was under $700, thank you scamdemic.
  11. VA CDL Holder

    VA CDL Holder Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2011
    This is more of an insurance question than anything else. ChinaTown rocks! Nothing new there!
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