I run a 1997 every day, (well 3-4 days a week) dollars and cents wise it’s really not any cheaper then running a brand new one, the difference comes in it’s easier to let paid off stuff sit, but you really have to be kind of fuked up in the head (like i and the rest of us that do it) and take pride in the truck to deal with it
I’ll never buy another used trailer though if I can help, that’s what actually takes the abuse and depreciation is nice to have
Old (pre 2000) Trucks vs New Models
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Bret1984, May 5, 2022.
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ProfessionalNoticer Thanks this.
But point taken, technology certainly makes it easier -
ProfessionalNoticer and God prefers Diesels Thank this.
You mean like creating a false narrative to get everyone to stay home for 6 or 8 months with their faces stuck to their PC's, listening to propaganda?
Wonder how they could do that?Siinman, ProfessionalNoticer, kwswan and 3 others Thank this. -
Siinman, ProfessionalNoticer, Tug Toy and 2 others Thank this.
Siinman, Tug Toy and Dave_in_AZ Thank this.
Update, got a job up in the Barnett shale basin with an old school long nosed Pete. Same pay rate as I had at Detmar just now with a manual transmission and a much faster truck.
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