On Time Express/Tempe,Az/Grand Prairie,Tx

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by OTRlightly, May 21, 2008.

  1. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Because of the tone of his reply I smelled a dispatcher or perhaps a terminal manager.

    Apparently they did at one time.
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  3. The Fonz

    The Fonz Bobtail Member

    Jul 13, 2008
    Thanks for showing everyone here what a storyteller you are Chuck. You had no response to any of that huh? If it were me, I would be cautious of the false accusations I post on a public forum. Slander is a pretty significant offense in the eyes of some. You never know when a lawyer might come across a posting you have made on the internet somewhere making intentionally false statements. The webmaster here has been kind enough to put up a warning regarding this, it might be wise to heed that warning.
  4. Jerzee Mike

    Jerzee Mike Bobtail Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    PC Beach, Florida
    I worked for OnTime and only problem i had was 1 dispatcher but he got canned. Always got paid what i was supposed to. The company has a family feel to it. Even the owner goes to work and knows your name and BS's and jokes around with you. I heard they got rid of alot of O/O's cuz all they did was ##### and moan about where they did or didnt want to go. If thats the case then get your own authority, pick and choose your own loads!!! dont just lease on to someone so they can babysit you. I left there and made sure i did on good terms just incase i went back cuz theyre the only company i would want or ask to go back to and i hopefully will in a couple weeks so there!!!:biggrin_25522:
  5. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    Mack, did you read The Fonz' entire post?
    I read that he was a driver who dispatched for awhile, and returned to driving, which gave him insights on what dispatchers have to contend with.

    After reading The Fonz' entire post, I didn't get the impression he was management, but rather an O/O who knew the personal history of OTRlightly, and related it here in rebuttal. That hardly qualifies him as a "company management stooge", does it?

    That's the way I read it too.
    If someone comes here spreading false accusations isn't it fair to allow someone else to dispute those falsehoods?

    Just curious Mack, what do you smell now? I noticed OTRlightly is MIA or Banned, and I assume banned.

    My instincts tell me that The Fonz posted more accurate information about OnTime than OTRlightly did. Defending a company from unfair attacks should be welcomed, I would think. I doubt this site is anxious for false information to be spread as truthful.
    Even IF The Fonz was, or is, a "company management stooge", does it really matter if he's telling the truth? Why should management of any trucking company be denied the right to defend their reputation from false accusations made by a disgruntled, former employee? I think it should be appreciated when someone from management or a driver with a company thinks favorably enough about that company to go the trouble and effort to make known any false accusations put forth by employees --- who are well known to trash an otherwise good company for personal reasons.

    Folks come here to make informed decisions about the various trucking companies. Isn't it a dis-service to them to allow negative comments to prevail while discouraging ANYone, management OR drivers, from bringing to light circumstances that could be motivated by revenge?

    I'm not a member of Staff here at The Truckers' Report, just one of the many posters who appreciate the fairness of this site. I appreciate being allowed to express my ideas, thoughts and opinions here and strive to provide accurate and helpful information --- calling attention to anything that may be less than truthful, or outright untruths, if and when I read that. For that reason, I question why someone who may be from management should automatically be disqualified from expressing their point of view. If that reasoning were followed to a logical conclusion, wouldn't Staff also be excluded from expressing their views? After all, Staff is part of management, right?
    What a loss that would be!
    The views of Staff are VERY much appreciated by this poster, as they ALL have a very important role in keeping The Truckers' Report the best of the best trucking related site on the internet.
    My heartfelt thanx to ALL of the Staff here for accomplishing a task that isn't always easy. :salute:
    vickw and Sweaty Thank this.
  6. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Like I said, I only got defensive because of the tone of his reply, like the part about where Fonz said he knew the guy personally. That's what raised the hair on my neck.

    I'm sure everyone here knows how I feel about coercion and intimidation of our members by management personnel, so there's no need to go into that.

    Otherwise, I'm certainly all for differences of opinion. What fun would the world be if we all were basically robots?

    MGASSEL Road Train Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    You may think his post has false accusations but what nay appear to be false to you could be true to someone else. You were not in his shoes.

    Sounds like you are still trying to intimidate the poster with this reply. Telling him I would be cautious of the false accusations that he posts on the public web.

    It can be difficult to prove slander if he can testify that all of those things acutally happened to him as I said you do not know you were not in his shoes or truck at the time.

    MGASSEL Road Train Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    I think you were right on to be defensive about the fonz post.

    I went back and read his post it was sounding like he was a dm or managment the way he was talking.
  9. Jerzee Mike

    Jerzee Mike Bobtail Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    PC Beach, Florida
    The Fonz said he was in management AND was also a driver.Theres no reason why someone or a company rep shouldnt be able to reply or defend themselves if someone lies or exaggerates or is this site all one-sided? I know this company and know who OTRlightly is and as he even wrote he was there for 4 years leased to On Time. So it was 4 years of hell and BS or something happend to make it that way suddenly? Maybe this guy #####ed and moanded about everything or wouldnt take a load to go to this city or that city or and then would sit and then complain he wasnt getting the miles. After a while of that the company is goin to say ENOUGH and get rid of his ###! If he wants to pick and choose exactly where he wants to go why dont he get his own authority? Its obvious that YOU guys on here dont read whats being said and just want to pick and choose whats being complained about by the driver. Theres drivers.office workers that have been there for years and people that do leave for, whatever reason, come back!!!! Like myself, because it is a great place to work and be treated like a person, not a #. Is it perfect....no, but pretty #### close.
  10. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Yep. The only ones that that get that bent out of shape defending their company is management of some kind.

    Yes, in a sense this site is "all one sided". This a site by and for truckers. What that means is that drivers rule the roost here. We don't rule the roost at work but we certainly do here.

    Sure, management is welcome to post here, as long as they comply with forum rules. We have a Swift terminal manager with us here and he's certainly been able to behave himself. But one thing that will not be well received here is anyone coming here and seeing fit to insult drivers where we live.
  11. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    I agree.
    And I think he's an asset to our forums.
    On the other hand, if another driver comes here and unfairly trashes a company, or tells lies and/or half truths about a company --- I consider THAT an insult to all the other posters and readers here, and they SHOULD get what they deserve. That being, being put in their place by whomever has the REAL skinny.

    I think this has been a good lesson for those trying to understand how SOME folks don't tell the REAL story about a particular company. A peek behind the scene at what we refer to as a "whiner", if you will.

    We, as I'm SURE you do, pride ourselves on providing accurate and truthful information. If it takes someone from management to get the details of that truth out, I think we should welcome them for doing so. And I think we all do.
    Had someone from management, who is also a driver who personally KNOWS the original poster, not responded, what would our impression of the company in question have been?
    Would it have been accurate, based entirely on what the original poster posted?

    We thank and appreciate you for being there as our watchdog though. Without y'all, this site would just be another trucker related web site, instead of the best of it's kind. :salute:

    MACK E-6 Thanks this.
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