One ticket and he is out!!!! Help!!!!

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by doxygirl, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. doxygirl

    doxygirl Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    SO Cal
    Hello all,
    Iam writing this in the hopes someone can help us with information as to how my husband can find another job in trucking due to the fact he just got fired from CREngland
    He was with CREngland for 9 months doing just great and then he got a citation for doing 16 miles over the SL from a radar sting set up at the bottom of a downgrade in the state of Pennsylvania.( just last week )
    He reported it right away like he was told to do, ( to CREngland) less than a week later they routed him to their drop yard and let him go!
    We are trying like crazy to find him a job ASAP but as soon as these companies hear he has a citation they wont even talk to him.
    Here is the sad thing....the citation is NOT even on any of his records or files etc, the ONLY reason they found out is because he was honest!
    He even hired a cvt lawyer to get the ticket expunged or extremely reduced, and his lawyer said he has a 92% success rate, but CFREngland did not want to hear about it, they just wanted him gone!

    Do any of you exp drivers know any companies that he might be able to find a job with?
    We are applying online and over the phone non stop but so far as soon as he says he got fired from a citation they don't want anything more to talk with him about!
    Thanks for any helpful advice anyone can send back....
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  3. Flatbedn

    Flatbedn Road Train Member

    Nov 12, 2012
    Sadly termination for wreckless makes him untouchable until he gets ticket dismissed/reduced. I got a friend with a 15 over and he can't even get on with the worst of the worst until 3 years passes.
    cabwrecker and Skydivedavec Thank this.
  4. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    This might not be on his record yet but it will.Wreckless is a serious thing in this industry.Your husband will have to wait 3 to 5 yrs.He better start looking for a non trucking job.You'll have to wait and see just how successful this lawyer of yours is or is he taking you for a ride to get your money.
  5. 379exhd

    379exhd Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    rolling through hell
    Local rock hauler or something like that is about all he's got.

    That lawyer can talk a big game all he wants but remember he's a lawyer he lies all the time for a living.

    Once the ticket is dropped, reduced or exponged your husband will have a chance finding something but as the other poster said he's untouchable right now. In a year I've had 1 ciatation. Even that hurts. Wasn't major just a minor log violation and a truck route violation, nothing that's going to cause too many problems, the big things you have to watch out for are speeding and accidents!.

    15 over is considered wreckless by an insurance company and you're either going to pay out the butt for insurance and still be on pro action, or you're going to have to wait till its off the record. Nothing more you can really do in that situation. I feel your husbands pain, I've had a few close calls coming down hills. Even had a sheriff pull out of the median on day (6 over down a hill around a curve) but he never kicked the lights on. Scared the hell out of me.

    That's what they do, let this be a learning experience for him as well, smoke the brakes do what you have to do, but don't let them nail you for anything like that again!!! Not hen picking him we all make mistakes just trying to help. I wish you all the best and I hope he can get the ticked dropped reduced or anything to help the situation. CRE is a crap company anyway, may be a blssing in disguise you just don't know it yet.
  6. yessir

    yessir Medium Load Member

    Apr 17, 2013
    queens, ny
    there is no excuse for going 15 mph over the speed limit just wait for your lawyer and i consider a trooper as a low bridge when im driving a truck i will go around or turn around because they will end your career and run your life over they don't want to know your story just sign the ticket and leave.
    joseph1135 and ZVar Thank this.
  7. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Scroll down to the "Trucking Jobs" and "Seeking Employment" threads and check there.
  8. PackRatTDI

    PackRatTDI Licensed to Ill

    Jul 15, 2006
    El Chuco, Tejas
    Was it on i78 near Allentown in the 55 zone? Anyone who claims to go down that downgrade at anywhere near the speed limit is a #### liar, lol!
    wore out and Skydivedavec Thank this.
  9. platinum

    platinum Road Train Member

    Aug 18, 2010
    Fort Worth, Texas
    Find A Jewish Lawyer, OffeR Him A Bonus 300$ If He Gets It Expunged. I Did That Before Trucking, It Works.
  10. platinum

    platinum Road Train Member

    Aug 18, 2010
    Fort Worth, Texas
    Dont Sign Anything Request A Supervisor Immediatley. What Did His QC Show.
  11. 8thnote

    8thnote Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2013
    Chattanooga, TN
    I got a msq on the QC just yesterday from the head of safety at my co. He said they'd fired 2 drivers in the last week for 15 over violations. That's a major violation that has a huge effect on a CSA score. No company is willing to take those points on.
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