One Year Later... <3

Discussion in 'SRT' started by Voodoo Pyg, Mar 23, 2019.

  1. Voodoo Pyg

    Voodoo Pyg Oink! Oink!

    Jan 25, 2015
    Hello and welcome back to another episode of SRT (Southern Refrigerated Transport). I'm sorry for my long absence as I have been busy with work, family and other misc. things that life has to offer. So without further delay, here's that year review I promised everyone.

    As you all may well know, I was hired by SRT 09/01/2017 after my last and final oilfield disaster. Well I find it hard to believe that it has been a year and a half since I've been driving for this company. Now mind you there have been a few setbacks since I've been here, but it's not all downside. Just to get the ick out of the way, I'll start with the setbacks. About June of last year, my first truck with the company took a dive. This was after a blowout and brake replacements in the previous months. The fuse for the DEF tank had broken off in the box and the truck thought that there was no fuel in the tank. The company had it towed to French Ellison Kenworth in Corpus Christi for what I thought was a simple fix. Well it was but our breakdown department likes to take their time and would rather pay storage fees instead of fix things at times (that's what happens when you move breakdown operations to Chattanooga). I sat at home for nine days (paid thanks to my lovely driver manager) until a replacement could be found. Now the second truck I rescued from Oak Grove Missouri had the doser in the DEF tank go haywire. The congealed piggy piss wouldn't burn off. It decided to die in September and I spent 10 days in a hotel (paid for doing so). My third truck was picked up on our Hutchins, Tx yard and had a small leak in the clutch brake. Two days in a nice hotel for the weekend and I was back to work. October, I was given one of the new Peterbilts (I hate automatic transmission on a truck). It actually pulled better than the KW and got better fuel mileage to boot. Sadly the computer glitched and it wouldn't downshift and I had to give it up. Man do I miss that one. I now have one of the new Cascadias much to the ire of my "senior" coworkers (if you want that story, feel free to ask me in a comment), but my family wasn't about to starve again.

    Since beginning and being on the DOW/XPO account, I've averaged anywhere from 2800-3400 miles a week. I've had consistent paychecks and been able to live a comfortable life with my family. If there is a problem with anything I may encounter, it's usually resolved quickly. The only thing I haven't done is to lease. I'm not sure about it, though I have the brainpower and time on my hands to do so. However, I am in no hurry to do so as I don't need much and have all I need. I know everyone here hates SRT (go figure), but the key to doing well here, is to keep you senses tuned and your nose clean as well. But that statement goes for any job in the industry that you may have. Currently, I'm sitting in Pecos, Tx waiting for my 10 hour to end. I'm headed to Georgia and then Illinois after. Drop me a line drivers. I'm still here.

    Voodoo Pyg.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
    pank83, austinmike, JoeyJunk and 2 others Thank this.
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  3. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    sorry, i cannot read your thread, the color you use hurts my eyes....

    to use color for a word or 2 is ok, but an entire posting is ridiculous..
  4. pigsooie

    pigsooie Medium Load Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    Good luck with Southern Regurgitated Transport. That company is nothing but snakes!
    Voodoo Pyg Thanks this.
  5. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    I have issues with the coloring, but wearing sunglasses helped cut that down along with a few computer settings on my end ultimately I just copied and pasted the whole thing to notepad and read from there in black and white.

    With that said, the only issue I can see with your company is the "Senior Drivers" if they are teasing and giving you a hard time because you picked up a truck then the Senior Drivers will have to collectively reassess their position in life. As punishment I would stick all of them into Internationals from the early 90's vintage for a while and see how they like it. If that does not humble them down then they are welcome to keep those rotting rustbuckets until they quit and move on.

    I would have sat with the sick pete in that shop 6 months until it's properly fixed. When you have a good truck and it's YOUR truck that runs the way you love it, do everything you can to keep it. I know that petes require a certain amount of love once in a while but the last two I have ran into at the Adesa probably would have been bought by me in cash if I was in a position to do so. They were that good. One of the reasons why I like them so much is because I spent exactly three whole weeks in a pete all of the time I was out there on the road. You might as well not have them out there if you don't plan on giving me one to run lol.

    Anyway that ends my thought. A company with drivers should never have issues with who drives what. It's smacks of snobbery, elitism and other issues that does nothing but create conflict, discord and strife. I have seen this over and over and over when ever this comes up. The better companies have drivers who pretty much take care of whatever they are issued and don't bother with the drama of who is driving what and so on. Who cares. If they are that unhappy and engage in that silly destructive behavior then they are not senior drivers in any book. Just a bunch of whiny 3rd graders who has to deal with the end of the lunch line and cold food.
  6. Voodoo Pyg

    Voodoo Pyg Oink! Oink!

    Jan 25, 2015
    Sorry. I love pink a helluva lot. But here you go boss.

    Hello and welcome back to another episode of SRT (Southern Refrigerated Transport). I'm sorry for my long absence as I have been busy with work, family and other misc. things that life has to offer. So without further delay, here's that year review I promised everyone.

    As you all may well know, I was hired by SRT 09/01/2017 after my last and final oilfield disaster. Well I find it hard to believe that it has been a year and a half since I've been driving for this company. Now mind you there have been a few setbacks since I've been here, but it's not all downside. Just to get the ick out of the way, I'll start with the setbacks. About June of last year, my first truck with the company took a dive. This was after a blowout and brake replacements in the previous months. The fuse for the DEF tank had broken off in the box and the truck thought that there was no fuel in the tank. The company had it towed to French Ellison Kenworth in Corpus Christi for what I thought was a simple fix. Well it was but our breakdown department likes to take their time and would rather pay storage fees instead of fix things at times (that's what happens when you move breakdown operations to Chattanooga). I sat at home for nine days (paid thanks to my lovely driver manager) until a replacement could be found. Now the second truck I rescued from Oak Grove Missouri had the doser in the DEF tank go haywire. The congealed piggy piss wouldn't burn off. It decided to die in September and I spent 10 days in a hotel (paid for doing so). My third truck was picked up on our Hutchins, Tx yard and had a small leak in the clutch brake. Two days in a nice hotel for the weekend and I was back to work. October, I was given one of the new Peterbilts (I hate automatic transmission on a truck). It actually pulled better than the KW and got better fuel mileage to boot. Sadly the computer glitched and it wouldn't downshift and I had to give it up. Man do I miss that one. I now have one of the new Cascadias much to the ire of my "senior" coworkers (if you want that story, feel free to ask me in a comment), but my family wasn't about to starve again.

    Since beginning and being on the DOW/XPO account, I've averaged anywhere from 2800-3400 miles a week. I've had consistent paychecks and been able to live a comfortable life with my family. If there is a problem with anything I may encounter, it's usually resolved quickly. The only thing I haven't done is to lease. I'm not sure about it, though I have the brainpower and time on my hands to do so. However, I am in no hurry to do so as I don't need much and have all I need. I know everyone here hates SRT (go figure), but the key to doing well here, is to keep you senses tuned and your nose clean as well. But that statement goes for any job in the industry that you may have. Currently, I'm sitting in Pecos, Tx waiting for my 10 hour to end. I'm headed to Georgia and then Illinois after. Drop me a line drivers. I'm still here.

    < 3
    Voodoo Pyg.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
  7. Voodoo Pyg

    Voodoo Pyg Oink! Oink!

    Jan 25, 2015
    Hello and welcome back to another episode of SRT (Southern Refrigerated Transport). I'm sorry for my long absence as I have been busy with work, family and other misc. things that life has to offer. So without further delay, here's that year review I promised everyone.

    As you all may well know, I was hired by SRT 09/01/2017 after my last and final oilfield disaster. Well I find it hard to believe that it has been a year and a half since I've been driving for this company. Now mind you there have been a few setbacks since I've been here, but it's not all downside. Just to get the ick out of the way, I'll start with the setbacks. About June of last year, my first truck with the company took a dive. This was after a blowout and brake replacements in the previous months. The fuse for the DEF tank had broken off in the box and the truck thought that there was no fuel in the tank. The company had it towed to French Ellison Kenworth in Corpus Christi for what I thought was a simple fix. Well it was but our breakdown department likes to take their time and would rather pay storage fees instead of fix things at times (that's what happens when you move breakdown operations to Chattanooga). I sat at home for nine days (paid thanks to my lovely driver manager) until a replacement could be found. Now the second truck I rescued from Oak Grove Missouri had the doser in the DEF tank go haywire. The congealed piggy piss wouldn't burn off. It decided to die in September and I spent 10 days in a hotel (paid for doing so). My third truck was picked up on our Hutchins, Tx yard and had a small leak in the clutch brake. Two days in a nice hotel for the weekend and I was back to work. October, I was given one of the new Peterbilts (I hate automatic transmission on a truck). It actually pulled better than the KW and got better fuel mileage to boot. Sadly the computer glitched and it wouldn't downshift and I had to give it up. Man do I miss that one. I now have one of the new Cascadias much to the ire of my "senior" coworkers (if you want that story, feel free to ask me in a comment), but my family wasn't about to starve again.

    Since beginning and being on the DOW/XPO account, I've averaged anywhere from 2800-3400 miles a week. I've had consistent paychecks and been able to live a comfortable life with my family. If there is a problem with anything I may encounter, it's usually resolved quickly. The only thing I haven't done is to lease. I'm not sure about it, though I have the brainpower and time on my hands to do so. However, I am in no hurry to do so as I don't need much and have all I need. I know everyone here hates SRT (go figure), but the key to doing well here, is to keep you senses tuned and your nose clean as well. But that statement goes for any job in the industry that you may have. Currently, I'm sitting in Pecos, Tx waiting for my 10 hour to end. I'm headed to Georgia and then Illinois after. Drop me a line drivers. I'm still here.

    < 3
    Voodoo Pyg.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
    Trucker61016 Thanks this.
  8. Voodoo Pyg

    Voodoo Pyg Oink! Oink!

    Jan 25, 2015
    I have missed you quite a lot actually. How's the new gig? As I stated in your original post a few months back, SRT has screwed up and in all likelihood will continue to screw up. I've yet to find a perfect company yet, but I stay busy. And I think you may have had a miserable time with dispatch more than anything. The last time ANY dispatcher thought they were going to give me any grief, they didn't like the result. I offered to meet them in Texarkana and arrange a meeting with the higher ups as I don't take too kind to the mistreatment of a driver period.

    <3 Voodoo Pyg.
    Trucker61016 and Chinatown Thank this.
  9. Voodoo Pyg

    Voodoo Pyg Oink! Oink!

    Jan 25, 2015
    And you see? That's what I've been getting at. She had the nerve to try and badmouth me to another driver here whom happens to be a good friend of mine. He and his wife weren't having any of it. I actually begged that they gave the senior drivers the new trucks before the new boots like myself. When I got that Pete, I was told that it wasn't open for discussion and well... I like my job thanks. She even made claims that I abused that truck saying she saw me slamming it into gear and pulling the parking brakes at 10 mph in the fuel island down in Amarillo. What paste drinking horse's arse would do such a thing to a brand new truck? Even the mechanic on the yard said it was an issue with the computer and not me. They even complain because we are governed at 65 mph. Who do they blame? New drivers. No wait. We're "steering wheel holders". I thought I left high school 12 years ago. :D
    Trucker61016, x1Heavy and Chinatown Thank this.
  10. Puppage

    Puppage Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2012
  11. Milr72

    Milr72 Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2011
    S W Missouri
    Are you writing us from the future or have I been asleep for a while?
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