Overturned Big Rig Hanging Off Freeway Ramp

Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by Cybergal, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    Overturned Big Rig Hanging Off Freeway Ramp
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    OTRDOC Bobtail Member

    Feb 24, 2007
    I live in Houston and drove past this accident on the way home from my current job. This ramp is notorious for tractor trailers rolling over. It is a long elevated ramp and has a sharp turn halfway through it. This tractor trailer rolled in this turn (where most of them do) and as for the reason -- SPEED.

    We have at least 1 rollover in houston each week and almost everyone of them is due to speed

    I know from driving here when I finally get my CDL and start driving I WILL drive SLOW around all corners and ramps

  4. The New Yorker

    The New Yorker Light Load Member

    Dec 9, 2005
    ZOO York
    My guess is to fast, loaded and/or top heavy. We get that alot here by the RT17, I-287, I-87 split, if your going to fast and top heavy the quick turn on the ramp added by a dip down and a immediate dip up all at the same time will send you over. They added a 5 ft jersey wall that helps keep the truck on the road but, if your hammering you have a 100 ft drop. Scary but those big yellow signs with the flashing lights give you enough warning...
  5. wallbanger

    wallbanger "Enemy of showers everywhere"

    Well those signs do warn you, but SOME drivers are too good to pay attention to them (at least that's what they think).
  6. The New Yorker

    The New Yorker Light Load Member

    Dec 9, 2005
    ZOO York
    Yup, famous last words. My first auto accident, I remember it clearly and I'll spare you the details, but I was riding shotgun and I said to the driver "your going to fast for this turn!" he said " I got it I've made this turn 100 times". A second later I seen a F150 coming though my window. I lost my girlfriend in that, and the best thing he said was I'm sorry I shoulda listen to you. He only served a year.
  7. wallbanger

    wallbanger "Enemy of showers everywhere"

    My god, I'm so sorry my stupid comment brought that memory back (not that you would ever forget it, but you don't need to be reminded).
  8. The New Yorker

    The New Yorker Light Load Member

    Dec 9, 2005
    ZOO York

    Ahh no it's OK, That was 12 years ago, and yes it is something you don't forget. But that's just what goes through my head when someone says, I got, I can handle it, I do it all the time. And you know it's a bad idea, and they have know idea what there saying/doing. Yea accidents happen but a lot are from just plain stupidity.
  9. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006
    "Hold my beer and watch this" has resulted in many "accidents"
  10. The New Yorker

    The New Yorker Light Load Member

    Dec 9, 2005
    ZOO York
    LOL, been there. I lost two nice cars that way before I learned. I guess they were to nice, or just to fast.
  11. LogsRus

    LogsRus Log it Legal

    Nov 23, 2006
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    My guess would be they was to fast:yes2557:
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