OWNER OPERATORS or LEASE PURCHASE Stepdeck/ Flat bed/ Heavy Haul

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by Sammonsrecruiter, Sep 16, 2010.

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  1. SheepDog

    SheepDog Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sand Lake, MI
    Now 6 weeks....LOL
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  3. Going Long

    Going Long Light Load Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    Yep..8 weeks and counting!

    Finally got ahold of someone to get some answers.

    No steady cargo out of baltimore,just containers out of the port..had something to do with a sister company.

    Should have realized something was wrong when LEASE was spelled wrong!
  4. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    Going Long--do you own a truck or were you looking for a lease?
  5. Going Long

    Going Long Light Load Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    Looking to buy and lease on,don't need a lease purchase been around long enough to know better.

    Been saving for awhile,have plenty put aside for maintenance and other shennigans.

    I have some contacts but not enough to take the true O/O plunge.
  6. southbuckeye80

    southbuckeye80 Bobtail Member

    Mar 25, 2012
    Covington, GA
    I was approved the day after I applied and I don't have great credit. I'm just holding out until they get somthing besides a Prostar, I waited to long and missed out on a T660. The program sounds great and I have spent a lot of time talking to their drivers. If anyone is looking at Sammons check out Sammons page on Facebook and talk to the drivers that post a lot. Look up Tony on the page he posts a lot of good info.
  7. starsonwindow

    starsonwindow Medium Load Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Phoenix, Arizona
    This Recruiter bailed!!! ansd left no forwarding address!! Ha. Good outfit???
  8. MotorinMomma

    MotorinMomma Light Load Member

    May 5, 2010
    Clinton, IA
    Are those trucks the only option?
  9. SheepDog

    SheepDog Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sand Lake, MI
    @southbuckey80, how bad is bad, on a scale of 1 - 10? Mine is like 3..LOL Maybe even 2...
  10. BigBadBill

    BigBadBill Bullishly Optimistic

    Oct 2, 2010
    Chattanooga, TN
    We just moved a driver over to stepdeck and looking for a flatbed O/O. We pay 87% of gross, will sell and finance the flatbed, self-dispatch, fuel discounts, ect.

    Send me an email for more information.
  11. cglascoe01

    cglascoe01 Bobtail Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    East coast
    i applied at sammons and was denied employment because i have worked for too many companies, i have work for 3 in the last 5 years , and 6 trucking companies in my 9 year career I have a perfect safety record and great csa score but i was told i have had too many jobs, and they were rather indignent about how they told me i was unwelcome there. the recruiter accused me of having 24 jobs in the last 7 years which is wholly untrue not even remotely true, and then the lady inferred i was a lair about my work record,when i tried to tell her something must confused regarding my employment record. they maybe a great company but i have never felt so unwanted, even though i am thourghly over qualified. sammons wasnt my first option to begin with, but this left a sour taste in my mouth. i am not going to bad mouth them, but the recruiter there certainly dropped the ball in assessing my application, but thats their loss, i have been accepted by everyone else i have applied too.
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