Question for the Celadon drivers. Recruiter for Celadon telling me they give their drivers $1,000 paid week off every 30k miles (or on road if driver prefers to stay out). Regardless of miles driven per month, mpg, or any extenuating circumstances. I've been with enough companies, talked to enough recruiters, that I can smell recruiter BS. But they swear this, no strings attached. Can anybody verify this or tell me otherwise? Thanks.
Paid vacation every 30k or recruiter bull?
Discussion in 'Celadon' started by Jeremy102077, Jul 3, 2018.
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Sounds about right to start. I run 90k miles annually and receive about $5k vacation pay annually not including my 10 paid stat holidays
Jeremy102077 Thanks this. -
My recruiter told me that they start you off at a certain speed but will bump that up after a month. Complete lie. I wasn't in a position to negotiate this time, but next time it will be different. Things will be in writing.
Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
Trucker61016 Thanks this. -
I believe that I do not believe!
Celadon driver here that's currently enjoying a 2 week paid vacation. It really does work they way they said. Every 30K you get a week added on.
Jazz1, laaylor and Jeremy102077 Thank this. -
Jazz1 Thanks this.
laaylor Thanks this.
In my neck of the woods 4% vacation pay is the law. That equates to two weeks wages. Longevity usually increases the amount, as mine is at 8% grossinglaaylor Thanks this. -
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