Paperless logs

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Road Dog, Sep 24, 2006.

  1. vaughncanter

    vaughncanter Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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  3. knighton5

    knighton5 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 19, 2006
    Rose City
    Come back in a year to talk to you? Hhmm, ever heard of maintenance acct.? 2005 Century. Boy, I sure hope it lasts another year. lol

    CRE, Central, Unified Grocers, and Winco are using paperless logs now and Swift and Knight will be SOON. I'm sure there are alot of others using them also, just havent heard from them. DRIVE SAFE
  4. linadin

    linadin Light Load Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    Fayetteville, NC
    add US Xpress to the list they are trying to go elog by Mar 31
  5. Randall

    Randall Light Load Member

    Apr 11, 2009
    Grafton Wv
    I have heard of maintenance acct. To bad maintenance and repairs are two seperate things!! And btw, your maintenance bill will not compare with your repair bills....2005 Century, ok...lets talk milage, after all, thats where the life is right? Now, dont take my word for it, Just ask some of the Co's. you have listed here when they get rid of their trucks. I think you will find they will trade off when the trucks reach milage ranging 350-600thsnd miles! Is this the life of a truck??...Not really, some have well over 1million on them. So why get rid of it??? Their answer's are going to go as follows: Repairs, Repairs, Repairs. I certainly hope for your sake it does last several more years. But keep in mind that you have bought a truck that has seen its best days. Nothing wrong with going used, I happen to have purchased a 1995 Int. with a 60 series detriot that had 700thsnd on it, but just had inframe done. It has been a fairly good running truck, but not without a few prob's. Now the issue here is paperless log's, and your right, alot of Co's. are switching over...But look at who they are!! They are huge Co's. As I have stated before, they are not depending on just 1 or 2 trucks, like you and I. They make their money by volume of freight moved, not on what 1 load pays like you and I do. The larger the Co., the cheaper they can run!! They can run 1 truck all week and if they clear 100 dollars, (times 10, or 15 thsnd trucks) they have made money. Now can you say that??? Cause "they" can!! BTW, who are "THEY"?? "THEY" are the people ("Company's") pushing the issue!! Dont think so?? Ask yourself, who was the first Co's. to adopt this system, and who is switching over to it first? Little fact here, the Co's that did just this are the megga carriers!! "PAPERLESS LOGS".....Just another step toward super rich and super poor!! Guess which category you will fall under O/O... The more O/O's that fall out, the more freight opens up for them, the larger they get, the cheaper they can haul the freight, and this means more contracts for them. How do you make your money, driver?? By driving, right? What do these systems do for that?? (Paperless log's, HOS, EOBR) Why would people who are so smart, people who have built these huge buisnesses adopt systems that would slow their production?? Safety maybe...LMAO...Isnt this the reason these system are being put in place, because these Co's. are doing things that are unsafe?? Guess that rules out the safety issue...hmmm...what else could it be?? I think the men who built these megga Co's. are smart enouph to look to the future, and use issues like safety to brain wash drivers in a attempt to turn a tactic ("SAFETY") which has been used against them, to work for them. Somthin to think about.... Hitler got a whole country to follow him by using the right words...What words do we hear??? Safety, Safety,Safety,Safety! Not to hard to get people to follow that one is it?
  6. whodat54321

    whodat54321 Light Load Member

    Dec 27, 2009
    Lloydminster, AB, Canada
    First of all, many of the companies adopting EOBR's tend to be the training companies, which use student grads as their 'cheap labor', and are extending the time they're required to work before they can leave with the debt paid off. They're the ones who tend to have a higher rate of log violations and accidents. As to the Hitler reference, I have my doubts about 'words' having that much power as they once did. Remember, we live in the age of the internet, and there are no secrets anymore. It's reasons like this forum exist, and is freely available to read for those who really want the knowledge. The only fair solution that i can see is one for large operations (the existing rule) and a separate one for fleets under 10 trucks that are FULLY INDEPENDENT, that is, they pull for whoever they want, not leased out to ONE company. That would be the only way they could keep the roads safe, alllow fair competition between the big fleets and the independent owner/ops who value freedom and flexibility to serve their customers best.
  7. Randall

    Randall Light Load Member

    Apr 11, 2009
    Grafton Wv
    I agree with you on the training Co's. As for words not having much power, lets ask some people under Osama Bin Laden who are strapping bombs to themselves. All that is needed is a "subject" which many agree with. Put a little spin on the "subject" and people will follow things they BELIEVE to be truth to their grave. As for your "Solution", how is a small O/O outfit going to compete with a megga carrier on a contract? I was in the Jessup TS listening to a JB Hunt recruiter talk about the Co. somewhere around 1999-2000, and at that time he was saying JB Hunt had 15000 tractors on the road...Held contracts on 3% of the freight that moved in US and Canada...With 15000 tractors rolling, they could only haul 2% of the 3%....JB Hunt could haul a load for LESS than fuel cost back then. How could a small Independent O/O compete with that..Fact is, if they want the contract, they WILL get it. Try to get a "Contract" with 1, 2, or 5 trucks. Your going to find it darn near impossible, and this is why so many O/O's either lease on, or get brokered loads. I don't see a way to "level" the playing field, fact is, shippers will choose the cheapest means available, and that isnt going to be the small guy.
  8. dle

    dle Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Yes Werner has paperless logs.

    I understand Knight has paperless. Swift is still evaluating.

    Panther has paperless, Bolt express gives the driver (at least as of last july) gives the driver the option.

    Srt is going that way, don't know when it will be fully implemented.
    knighton5 Thanks this.
  9. urbanant

    urbanant Bobtail Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    New York, NY
    What I would like to know is - where do you see the benefit of paperless logs for the driver? And also, when is the next step, of automating geo-locations to each truck going to pop up?
  10. Randall

    Randall Light Load Member

    Apr 11, 2009
    Grafton Wv
    I can answer that one for you......They think their going to get paid more for less work! They are shortning their work day, and extending their Truck stop time. I'm not sure what you mean by Automating geo-locations, but they can already pinpoint a truck any time, pretty much any where. (Those with the quailcom..)
  11. knighton5

    knighton5 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 19, 2006
    Rose City
    I saw a Henderson truck out of IL that states PAPERLESS LOG... Thats the first ive seen advertised on the outside of the truck! I also found out that Line 5 is for O/O ONLY (Knight trans only). This is second hand info-if the O/O drives somewhere personal, like Wallyworld, or where ever.?.? I havent attended the class yet. This paperless stuff will change alot of the way we start our day, or end our day. I was told that this will get rid of the log book cheaters and keep the legal loggers, BUT how will the freight get delivered ontime, unless ?/./?
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