It could make great evidence against a shipper if you can show them that the trucking company sent them a driver with a reasonable clock to load, drive and deliver... but the shipper didn't "honor" the pickup appt. by loading the truck in a reasonable timely fashion.
Very few drivers here can claim this "we want you here on time for pickup, but we're still hours away from loading you" scenario has never happend to them.
I've seen many a fit at a driver missing a drop dead time... shipper don't seem to care if they themselves miss it, they just reschedule the delivery.
Paperless logs
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Road Dog, Sep 24, 2006.
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I drive for Werner the paperless log has saved me more then once on drop times.
I get alot of JT and CW loads so drop time is dead set other then break down or weather. But a few times like last week I showed up for lvld but the shipper was not ready with the product (still makeing the product when I arrived)
I sat 15 hrs getting loaded they were loading me as the product came off the line, the paperless log showed when i arrived and when loading started, this allowed Load Planing to extend the drop time to the con with no questions asked by the customer (con). The load still got there by the first time frame set but if i needed the extra time i had it. -
Took my break even ordered pizza while i was there
Schneider driver told me there paperless now, I should have asked how much railyard work he does.
knighton5 Thanks this.
The paperless logs were the biggest reason why I returned to Werner a few years back. I actually made better money with thier paperless logs than I did running a regular log book with some questionable outfits. Ah, the experience I can't verify.
werner dispatchers also arent paid unless the trucks are rollin. my dispatcher tried to explain this to me a couple hours they have to be efficient to make money...
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