Parked and hit

Discussion in 'Trucker Legal Advice' started by baruchkades, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. Antinomian

    Antinomian Road Train Member

    Feb 17, 2013
    Numb Thanks this.
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  3. Dave_in_AZ

    Dave_in_AZ Road Train Member

    May 4, 2015
    Reality strikes again.
  4. Grouch

    Grouch Road Train Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    Between here and eternity
    If you are paid under W-2 and have not signed any form that makes you liable, you are not legally responsible. The company can terminate you but they cannot make you pay. If they do terminate you, make sure they do not try to withhold any money for the damages.
    silverspur and Studebaker Hawk Thank this.
  5. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    Totally unrelated to this incident but back in 2013 I was fired for refusing to do illegal maintenance on my boss's airplane (that crashed and killed everyone in December 2019). They made me buy a cell phone and pay for service for the job but then reimbursed me on the back side since it was for the hangar. They tried to withhold my last paycheck to "pay for the phone" since I refused to give it back as it was my phone with the service in my name and had I gotten the phone and they laid me off a day later I would have been on the hook for the 2 year contract .I threatened to sue them for withholding my pay. I got a check a week later for my full last weeks pay.

    The company I work for now tried to say I violated PC and said they would "fine" me 50 dollars. I told him number 1 I didn't violate anything and number 2 you can't withhold my pay without my consent or the consent of a judge through a court order. They said they didn't care, they would do it. I called payroll and said if you do it I will sue you, I will sue my company and I will sue the CEO and all 3 of you will be named defendants and you will have to explain to a judge why you withheld my pay illegally. I will also sue for 5000 dollars punitive damages for illegally stealing my money.

    Amazingly, no money was ever withheld nor was I laid off.
    Grouch, silverspur and Numb Thank this.
  6. Antinomian

    Antinomian Road Train Member

    Feb 17, 2013
    The usual tactic is to print up an employee manual they know most drivers aren't going to read, then make them sign a form saying they agree to it. All the megas do it.
    Numb Thanks this.
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