Sorry for the delay. I paid for a one way ticket to Ontario airport and arrived this wedsday may 27th. I got picked up by the red roof inn hotel and went straight to quality carriers. They had a whole bunch of prostars (which I didn't really care about) and 3 half size cascadias with a single bunk left (one was already sold). I checked them out. I can tell they all used to have thermoking APU's (which the last carrier who had them PTL took them out). The seats were leather but was worn and cracked from constant use. They didn't use DEF but had a DPF. Other than that all the trucks were identical. So I picked the one with less miles and didn't smell like a smokers truck. It looked like the trucks were somewhat detailed by the former carrier but quality will detail the truck again anyway. The mechs at quality will check the trucks out but I had ask them to also really check out the DPF, do an ECM report, check the alignment, replace the headlights (because the get dim over time anyway) along with a few other things. They say they check everything out but they tend to forget things and the shop was really busy. I knew I wasn't going to take the truck with me that day. Quality carriers, which is also a Celdon terminal, is paying for my hotel stay. It looks like I'm going to be here until Monday June 1st. The seats were in poor condition and have to go to the upholstery to be repaired, and they have to bake and clean the DPF. We'll see what happens Monday.
Parkway Transport Inc. San Antonio Texas
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by reddove, May 13, 2015.
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Last edited: May 29, 2015
Reason for edit: Not ready to post -
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Did you have to go there and get another truck .
The truck won't be ready until Monday or Tuesday. I'm here in California until then.
A little or deal your going though your doing right don't pay for something that's not right once you drive it off you know its your prob then I am going to be the same way my self well hopefully its all better Monday so you can get going . Guessing your still have to get lettering and stuff back in San Antonio
Yeah. The truck has to go through a Texas inspection to get Texas plates and then the Qualcomm has to be put in.
I've been here eight days at quality companies in Fontana CA and finally(?) my truck is ready. The main hold up was the seats. They were in deplorable condition. They had to be reupholstered. It was the first time Quality was using this Vendor and they were dragging their feet. So as I was doing the final walk around on the truck I noticed 3 bad tires with some tread separation. So now they are currently being replaced. Just because they DOTed it I'm still going to check it out again. I'm hoping I'm going to leave today. I had found out they only pay for 50 gallons of fuel but I talked them into giving me 75. Parkway promised me a 500 dollar bonus once I got there to off set some of the cost. I have the money but the less I pay out of pocket the better. The monthly cost for the truck including the insurance is $433.41 a week.
d o g Thanks this. -
I'm finally heading home. After I test drove the truck for 7 miles, I found out they didn't bump up my speed like I asked,so I couldn't go faster than 63mph or go over 1400 rpm. So back I went. They canceled out the governor but they couldn't do the rpm and I'll have to go to the dealership for that. I also noticed there was no fire extinguisher so they installed it. I think they had removed it when they took the seats out and forgot to put it back. The new upholstered seats turned out nice and they did them in leather. The detailers did a wonderful job cleaning the truck. So I didn't officially leave until almost 8PM. Since it was so late I only drove about 60ish miles to the Palm Springs Pilot truck stop to further test drive the truck just in case I found something else wrong and I won't be too far out. Steering and handling turned out okay so far. Shocks felt ok I wasn't flying out of my seat over the bumps. So far so good. I'm going to get up early and try to make it to San Antonio Texas tomorrow night and if not I'll definitely get there Friday morning.
If you get a truck through Quality make sure they had everything. They had forgot to send a copy of the title. It seems like Texas DPS make getting plates a little bit more complicated. The title has to be a Texas title, but in cases when a vehicle is titled in another state and the owner cannot surrender the out of state evidence of ownership you have to purchase a Texas title application receipt or a registration purpose only receipt. If you have your own truck you can get that before coming to orientation but if you are leasing the truck you are going to have to wait until you get to Texas. Then after all of that you are going to have to schedule an appointment to get your truck inspected before you even get your plates or your Qualcomm put in. I didn't have to go through this for the last company I worked for as an O/O. Orientation was by phone, and after I faxed them the paperwork and passed the drug test they fed ex the plates, decals, permits, logbook, fuel card to me the next day. Everything took less than a week to do. I guess this is the norm with a larger company though. I have a feeling I won't start working until like July.
They are putting the Qualcomm in today. It's going to take 3 hours to do then my truck is going to be inspected...again before I get my plates. I might get started this Friday but most likely Monday.
Dinomite Thanks this. -
Finally! The truck was ready to go, the final hold up was the plates from Texas DPS. After the plates came in I had my first load Friday. They are still using the old dinosaur MCP100 Quallcom. But it's just to get your load info you do paper logs. You can opt to not have the Quallcom but then you'll take a 20 cent pay cut. The Qualcomm is old so you have to be patient with it. But I'm getting the hang of it. Parkway has 3 routes. One is the Texas/California which is what I'm doing for now. You basically do Texas running and you go out to California twice a week. But if things are slow they'll give you their Midwest runs. The second is the OK, Texas, KS, and two other Midwest states I forgot what they are at the moment. And the last one is OTR. Parkway don't go northeast which is a plus. So you basically are going to hover around the Midwest and then California. Parkway is owned by HEB which is a Texas food chain so you'll be working out of their main terminal you'll do terminal to terminal, terminal to store, customer to terminal and then Broker loads outside of HEB. They had me start out with 3 HEB loads. Going to The Temple DC, then a store in Albinene Texas, and then take a Salvage trailer from Albinene back to San Antonio. It wasn't too bad I had a delay because one of the pallets which had popcorn on it was shrink wrapped right and would of went flying everywhere if I had to slam on the brakes for some reason. So I had them redo it. So now I home I put that I was available for tomorrow but I won't be surprised if they don't have anything else until Monday.
unloader Thanks this.
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