Parkway Transport Inc. San Antonio Texas

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by reddove, May 13, 2015.

  1. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    Just finished my first week. I've got my first settlement but I won't get paid until Monday because I'm going to be getting a paper check until the direct deposit kicks in. I got 2750 gross and my net was a little over $1550 I spent a little bit more on fuel than usual because I'm was figuring out the trucks mpg. Truck payments are not going to be taken out until the first week of July. So that net amount will change. I also got a $500 bonus too. One of the HEB stores complained that it took me 30 minutes to back into the dock. Well I had called this store to ask them which street entrance to turn into so that I was in the best spot for back up. They gave me the wrong one and I had to blind side back in near pitch blackness trying to avoid cars in the parking lot who think the truck is invisible and the broken light pole. So I had to get out and look like 6 times. Safety made me watch a safety video on backing like I did something wrong (it's the same video I saw before when I was in truck driving school lol). But they are sending me back to the same place this weekend on a 3 stop reefer load. Lol. I noticed that a lot of their loads are heavy 43,000-46,500 pounds. The last load was dog food from Edmond ok back to the San Antonio DC. I scaled the load thinking that I'll be over. I beat the weight by 500 pounds on 98% full tanks. My truck with no stuff in it with about 100 gallons of fuel is around 17,500 pounds (it's a flattop one bunk Cascadia). My fuel economy is 5.80 but I was going about 66-70 mph. But I will go about 65mph and see what that would do for my fuel economy. But if these heavy loads are the norm then I won't see no where never 7. Just to let you know they don't pay for scales or tolls (I think they pay for the Texas toll roads going around Austin if you go on weekdays during the rush hours I'll have to ask to be sure). Next load later today will be my first reefer load. It's a preload trailer and dispatch said they don't start preloading until 8:00am. I'll hope they start early so I can leave early. Will post later.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
    Reason for edit: Not ready to post
    unloader and d o g Thank this.
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  3. tmslogistics

    tmslogistics Light Load Member

    Mar 10, 2015

    are you still with this outfit? Are you happy? What are the pros and cons? Are you making any money now that they are taking your truck payment?

    Thanks for the information,
  4. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    The main issue now is the truck it's been in the shop twice already for turbobooster issues. First it was the sensor and then the accutator. And now the check engine light is on again. I'm doing a truck lease through quality companies. They are the truck sales division of Celadon. So far they covered all the repairs which is not coming out of my pocket but it's cutting into my money because the truck is in the shop for 3 days at a time and then I lose a day of work because of me being in shop status. So I'm not making the money I could be making right at the moment but it's no fault of Parkway. The major thing I don't like about parkway is that $5,000 escrow which they take $150 out per week. Right now I'm making $630 a week after everything is taking out. I'm just doing Texas for right now the short term. If it wasn't for the repairs, I think I could make like almost $900 a week doing Texas regional. I was suspposed to start doing a few California runs but that's not going to happen now with the fires and all. Another thing I don't like is the H.E.B. Super single trailers. Their turning radius sucks. There are a few other minor issues that I will post later.
    niteninja and tmslogistics Thank this.
  5. unloader

    unloader Road Train Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    Still trucking along with Parkway? Hope all is running good on your truck.

  6. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    It been a little over a week since the truck been in the shop and no issues since. Last last week all of pay went to the truck and the rest towards bills so I've working hard to play catch up. I'll have to make good money this week and next to get back on track. Let's see what happens
    unloader Thanks this.
  7. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    My wheel bearings on my driver side steer tire froze up and I had to be towed. I had enough with this truck after quality hopefully pay for the repairs I'm making plans on turning the truck back in.
    niteninja Thanks this.
  8. TheDudeAbides

    TheDudeAbides Medium Load Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    San Antonio, TX
    Good thread, sorry to hear about the luck with your truck. I'm pulling HEB loads with USA truck right now and was wondering how Parkway worked out. I see all types of trucks at the dispatch office off Rittiman rd. and wonder if buying an old pre-emissions trucks would be profitable if it was reliable since they don't seem to have any restrictions. I've seen some really old beaters in the lot. As far as the runs go, yeah, some of those store runs are challenging with the 57' trailers and tight quarters but it's good experience for me.
  9. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    That whole driver side is messed up the bill is 3700. They'll have to replace the wheel bearings, King pin, the hub, the brake chamber. Quality companies will pay for it because it was worked on before and obviously it wasn't fixed properly. They will defer this week truck payment. The problem isn't with Parkway it's the truck. In my experience the pre-emissions trucks are the best if you can get one from a reliable source. My income with parkway isn't reflecting real numbers right now because the truck was in the shop every other week. This is a major repairs job and unless the shop got all the parts today the truck might not be ready until Tuesday the earliest.
  10. RJTrucker

    RJTrucker Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Question guys?
    How new of a truck can you lease through Quality companie?
  11. reddove

    reddove Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    San antonio, Texas
    It depends on what they have on hand. The brand new trucks tend to go quickly.
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