pay scale

Discussion in 'Butler' started by Lourde Gothier, Jul 30, 2006.

  1. White Dog

    White Dog Road Train Member

    Feb 11, 2008
    Look at that! mrhoss; a man who CLAIMS to have 27 years in the industry (via profile), is calling canuck in da truck (the only guy in the 2 "Butler" threads that gets it, and is speaking with math and common sence) whom boasts a mere 5 years in the industry, a dumb-dumb.

    mrhoss? Bless you and your 27 years in the industry (LOL roll-eyes LOL).....but you sir, have missed the boat. Good luck at Butler.
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  3. annettecj

    annettecj Medium Load Member

    Dec 7, 2010
    I just talked to a recruiter for them and they only start you with .32. I told her Im going to get .39 with another compny. And we said our goodbyes.
  4. jlind

    jlind Heavy Load Member

    Dec 21, 2010
    Nature coast, Fl.
    Please share!!! We're all looking for good companies with decent pay!!
  5. truck diva

    truck diva Bobtail Member

    Dec 22, 2010
    Las Vegas, NV
    Hello out there.....just wondering if anyone can give me info on team driver pay?? My husband and I are going to be team drivers and are trying to figure out what we will make or potentially make. We are considering Covenant or Werner......Thanks!!:biggrin_25520:
  6. shawn s

    shawn s Bobtail Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    BUTLER TRANSPORT IN KANSAS CITY KANSAS,. IS BY Far the worst company i ever worked for and dont take the tch debit card for payroll if they are still offering cuz the transferred my last paycheck using my last four of soc. into their own account cuz i quit. dead of winter worst imaginanable road conditions and they stole the money i earned. the .02 bonus is a farce you have to have 12,000 miles in a month to qualify no log book violations etc i had 11,450 miles and i sat for 2 days . . intentional ...i dont know but 5 month i worked for them never came close to 12,000. fdic looked into the transfer ..recommended i sue /Butler.
    t bird Thanks this.
  7. vcgray

    vcgray Bobtail Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    Greer, SC
    Foolish rookie talk from someone who is still wet behind the ears. (as well as his bottom)
  8. delta5

    delta5 Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Butler keeps sending me stuff in the mail begging me to come back. They keep talking about their new trucks they are supposed to be getting, and their crack office staff. Still no mention of a real pay package though... They start everyone, regardless of experience, at 28cpm before per diem, and NO dentention pay whatsoever! They paid around $40 for layover I think. I about went broke driving for this outfit. The pay is not good to begin with, and they send you into slaughter-houses and other customers where you have to wait for upwards of 15+ hours or more. At the small company that I am with now, I am getting 36cpm BEFORE per diem and real detention pay. We focus mostly on the food maker next door to us so our drivers get back home often.
    t bird Thanks this.
  9. ezdollaz

    ezdollaz Bobtail Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    i gave them my two week notice at to weeks and two months. if you dont stay atleast 90 days they take a little over a grand from your pay for orien and training. i geuss it was my fault because tho i didnt remember it at the time they tell you in traing not to submitt your two week notice until you did the three months. as with all companies if you dont scan in your tolls wash outs they will not pay you. in my ex if you scan they will pay. you dont pay for scans. you get nine cents a mi per diem they show you the whole thing. they did forget to pay me on a washout one time and when i called on it they had me rescan it and paid it two weeks later in my check. they will advance you up to 100.00 on your pay ck which can be set up to be givin autoamically. overall good company
  10. ezdollaz

    ezdollaz Bobtail Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    continued. im on my way back there now since i cant get a fair lease. having benn an o/o would like to get back to that. they will get you home. no company does when you want it but they aint stick you fa a week. fair mi. and tho you will notice as with all you seem to always drive about 50 more mi then you get paid for. most of there loads the mi are actually very close. they are worth a shot. the trucks well. what company has trucks that dont c the doctor regularly? the leases. do it at your own risk. what company wants you to own your own truck and take home time and loads at your leisure?
  11. ezdollaz

    ezdollaz Bobtail Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    i must be lost some place. they called me back with 34. a mi.. that .9 is money they actually pay you. the way it works is that .9 is untaxable because good ol uncle sam said because you drive over the road you can have it to help feed yourself ect. my truck broke down at 11565 mi stopping my bounus but i never got that .2 amile bonus and still got what was promised. if you do qualify for the bouns you get .2 a mi for the 12000 mi. i really hate companies but i wouldnt really rag this one to much. they will give a driver with legal trouble and those that haven seen a wheel in 5 or more years a shot. to start with .34 under those circumstances and know you will be paid is pretty good. i got layover ex stop and det. pay i geuss everyone is differnt. until i can buy im going back.
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