Personal Security

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Revolvers&w, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. aiwiron

    aiwiron Road Train Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Sunny Tampa Florida
    A key chain with 4 keys makes on heck of a good self defense weapon, stick the keys between your fingers and the ring in your palm.
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  3. Busasamurai

    Busasamurai Light Load Member

    Oct 12, 2010
    Augusta ga
    The 1st and foremost best weapon you could ever have is common sense. Best to not put yourself in dumb situations and leave as soon as you feel you are in one..
    CondoCruiser, jbatmick and Bullet15 Thank this.
  4. crzyjarmans

    crzyjarmans Road Train Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    But why are you telling them you have a firearm, Concealed means concealed, Dont say anything, I've been to many shippers and recievers that post these signs, Never have I been asked, DOnt ask? Dont tell?
  5. crzyjarmans

    crzyjarmans Road Train Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    Sometimes this might not be an option, and Yes I know this myself personally
  6. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    Never worried about it.

    But it sure seems that there are some that probably should stay home if they are that worried.
  7. nicholas_jordan

    nicholas_jordan Medium Load Member

    Mar 31, 2012
    temple texas
    I was at one place making application a few days ago, they said they would ->literally<- THROW you off the lot for one bottle of energy drink, they said absolute nothing about weapons, steel-dreams or otherwise most of what happens if one pulls a weapon is they kill you and go sell the weapon for ca$h ..... if you carry then get hours and hours of practice good at it then - as stated in other posts - concealed means concealed - I saw an incident where a totally decent person let his jacket hang open slightly and was busted for carry on alky sales premises ......

    too often what happens is wake up groggy and blast something that is not a threat, you will be doing 20 years but it wont be like the 20 you know ....

  8. Guntoter

    Guntoter Road Train Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    Phoenix, AZ
    Nic- Going to the range and learning how to draw and fire at a piece of paper has ZERO relevance in the real world. In twenty plus years of CCW the most valuable advice I can give anyone is LEARN HOW TO NOT PULL YOU FIREARM unless your safety is imminently threatened. Then when you determine that you will be seriously injured if you do not draw, ONLY draw when you are 100% sure that you will kill the threat.
    I do practice muscle memory by shooting paper but that is only so that I can perform in a stressful scenario, it doesnt teach me how NOT to pull my gun.
    My point is, waking up and shooting something because you dont know what it is comes down to doing the opposite of what I spend my training doing... LEARNING HOW TO NOT DRAW MY GUN, I train how to talk my way out of drawing, or how to hide or run away from someone.
    Please, anyone considering CCW. Scenario training with real instructors who teach real world CCW may keep you from killing someone (weather justified or not) and spending $100K and 10 years of your life in court.
  9. BadActor

    BadActor Light Load Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." The only person who can be truly responsible your you and your family's welfare is you. Cops don't get sued when a bad guy hurts someone and they weren't there to protect them. Don't want to carry a gun? Fine, don't. I agree with everyone who says that it's a last resort, but I still would like to have that option.
  10. Jakethebrake99

    Jakethebrake99 Light Load Member

    Dec 16, 2011
    I carry 2 cans of wasp and hornet killer in my truck. You can fire from at least 20 feet away, and a nice blast to the face with this stuff will send the bad guy running for the nearest ER. Never had to use it, but it's there if I need handguns stay at home where they belong.
  11. Taildragon

    Taildragon Heavy Load Member

    Jun 22, 2012

    You said something here that I had forgotten about, I can't remember the year, but I would guess in the eighties, there was a driver killed and robbed while sleeping in his truck on one of the pulloffs on the PA Pike near Philly. The article I read about it said that someone had squirted starting fluid through the pop out style vent in the bunk, broke in, robbed him, and killed him. It does happen.

    I can tell you this much from experience, (that I wish I didn't have), when you are laying in the bunk wide awake at night, someone can open the door on your tractor, climb up the fuel tank and get in your cab and you won't hear it, you won't feel it, and you won't even see it, though you are laying there looking in the right direction.

    Now just know, that I don't want to sit here and type out two pages with detail after detail, but I will give you the short form. About a year and a half ago I was at the Loves at Weatherford, Texas, parked straight out from the fuel desk door backed in a spot, I could look out my windshield to the right and look at the tire shop. Around one or two in the morning I was laying there and just couldn't sleep and felt like maybe my head was a little lower than my feet, so I turned around and laid with my head on the curbside of the truck. It was pleasant weather for sleeping without opening the windows or vents, but warm enough that I didn't bother putting my pajamas on, so I was going to sleep in my skivvys and wash the bed clothes when I got home. I was laying there looking toward the steering wheel area, (without my trifocals on), not really focusing on anything when I noticed a black dot shape up around the top front of the drivers door, then it was a bigger black spot, then suddenly it was a black face looking at my eyes about a foot and a half from my face. VERY LONG story made short here, but just to let everyone know, when you least expect it, it COULD and DOES happen.

    It is since then that I have given thought about carrying a gun, but not for the usual reasons that come to mind. I am not a young man anymore, I have often wondered if I would be able to defend myself if need be, (please, disavow any knowledge of this sentence after reading it), I am not as fast or strong as I was once.

    But to give thought for the purpose of this post, when you need to defend yourself, it might just be when you are the most vulnerable. Having said that, here are the thoughts that I have had since then. If I would have been armed with a gun, where would I have it laying for quick access? Since this time, I took the crowbar from the side compartment and keep it by the seat, (right side on the floor), which brings to mind, I could not have possibly stooped over and picked it up quickly enough for my circumstance, if I had a knife, where would I have kept it for easy access, and then, when I turned to the wrong end of the bed to sleep, do you reposition your weapon with each move?? I toss and turn some nights, more repositioning? These are thoughts that I have had and still think about and have not yet answered for myself, knowing that self defense is a spontaneous act that must come at the blink of an eye.

    There was mention made of the bunge from the doors to the horn lanyard, what if your air leaks down? I have had someone tell me that they hook a strap between both door handles holding both doors closed, haven't tried it yet, but haven't finished thrashing it around yet, could you get out quickly if the truck caught fire? Happens sometimes... many questions... One thing that I do know for sure is, self defense must come quickly.
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