Picking Up by Robin Lang all about Department of Sanitation New York City

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Mike2633, Jul 29, 2019.

  1. Itsbrokeagain

    Itsbrokeagain Light Load Member

    May 31, 2019
    I never knew that's what went on inside a transfer station. Would explain all the locsl Action trucks going in and watching the big semi's leave later on at night. They didn't use packer trailers though, it seems they shredded/compacted it first, then shoved the compacted square into the back of a TTS truck or even a sea freight container and it was sent off to the docks.

    There is a construction transfer station out in Farmingdale, all the contractors bring their dump trucks or trailers and off load and an excavator dumps in the rail cars on the siding. Which ends up right by Van Nest in the CSX rail yard lol
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  3. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Trash shredder technology was something that was toyed with in the 1960s. They may have perfected it since then.

    A lot of the trucks around here with the big companies use the tipper trailers which is just a real big open top 48' trailer and when it goes to the landfill it's put on a machine and it just gets tipped.
    The ejector trailers are not nearly as common, there really only for transfer stations that have the mechanical packing ram.

    The containers that go on the trains are semi common the container is backed up to a transfer station with the mechanical packing ram and it packs the container full.

    What's interesting is Montogomery County, Maryland also uses the trash container trains for leaf pick up and removal.
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  4. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    So one of the things we haven't talked much about is New York's private trash haulers. The DSNY is clean and well organized, and works during the day. However at night time it's a different story. Commercial garbage is picked up by private trash companies and it's an all out free for all, with the private companies some are big and some are small, some are more legit then others and they all come out at night time.

    A Propublica Article from January of 2018 talks about the inside world of private garbage hauling. Action Carting which is the largest private hauler in New York City in January of 2018 had 16,700 customers.

    From what the article says and I'll put a link right here:
    Trashed: Inside the Deadly World of Private Garbage Collection — ProPublica

    The private garbage companies are hazardous and unsafe and they seldom follow the traffic laws.

    Action Carting operates 133 trucks.
    Most DSNY routes are 8 hours long.
    Most private hauler routes are 12-14 hours long. Usually 14 hours long and the boss tells the guys it should only take 12 hours so they bother them and pester them to hurry up. Now the bosses deny all of that.

    Since 2008 statistics say Action Carting has run over and killed about 5 pedestrians.

    Waste and Recycling Industry work is the 5th most deadly job in America, and when you work in New York City for a private company you spend most of your time at night hanging off the back of a garbage truck as it flies down the streets and allies. You also do a lot of walking and running. They run about 500 stops a night in the private garbage business. Usually they start off fill the truck go and dump the truck at the transfer station and then start moving again to finish the route.
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  5. Itsbrokeagain

    Itsbrokeagain Light Load Member

    May 31, 2019
    You are spot on with that. My buddy is one of those private contractors doing garbage at night. Maintains all his equipment himself, and prefers the older trucks to anything new. I think he just restored an old AutoCar and he told me it's his favorite one to drive. City Hauling Inc I think is the name.

    However, a lot of the smaller fish operate with reckless abandon. They are responsible for far more accidents and deaths than Action is. Quite a few have suspended drivers licenses or even no license at all, here illegally for very little pay compared to the peanuts they pay the regular drivers. Most ignore the road laws, no signaling, running red lights, while the trucks are barely staying together. Older trucks with Dayton Wheels not trued properly, the drive wheels wobbling about like a mad hatter as it dashes from one side of the street to the other. One headlight working, half the running lights are out, no beacon, brake lights? Ha!
    bzinger and Mike2633 Thank this.
  6. Itsbrokeagain

    Itsbrokeagain Light Load Member

    May 31, 2019
    There are a few news articles out there, I just have to find them. Guys driving drunk and crashing into parked cars, or running over pedestrians and leaving the scene.
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  7. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    In the article they followed a guy who worked for a company called 5 star hauling he had an awful truck it was an old unit from some city contractor who worked for some city on Long Island. He said every break down you can imagine he’s had. Fires in the hopper are an almost normal thing. The drivers door was hanging off and they run red lights and fall asleep at the wheel all that stuff.

    60% of private trash company workers are minorities pulled off the street and they have no training on equipment or safety. Usually the driver says hey kid want to make $20.00 the hard way?

    Being a laborer for some of these rag tag outfits is like the most dangerous job in the city. You just run down the street both sides pulling bags of garbage out of ally ways.

    @Itsbrokeagain have you ever seen any of these shady outfits running around.

    A lot of times they have an old garbage truck and you can see the old markings City of So and So on the door or body.
    Landmark Disposal (company around here that was bought out by Rumpkey in 2011) would buy old garbage trucks from the cities. They bought a lot of Rocky Rivers 1990s Ford L9000 refuse trucks when they were phasing them out in 2008-2010ish.
    Itsbrokeagain Thanks this.
  8. Itsbrokeagain

    Itsbrokeagain Light Load Member

    May 31, 2019
    I saw Sanitation Salvage trucks for only a short time in my career in the Bronx. I transferred to Van Nest in early August of 2018, but remember seeing their trucks around for a few weeks until they got suspended indefinitely in September. Royal is big up there, I see their trucks all the time, at least they are well kept and lit up like they are supposed to be.

    There are always unmarked beat to crap garbage trucks running around doing exactly like that article said, they used to whiz by our safety setup when working around 10-2am, and uncomfortably close when doing so.
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  9. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    They said on any given commercial street at night time there could be 20 some odd private garbage trucks on one block at night, they are like ####roaches almost coming out to devour the garbage.
    Itsbrokeagain Thanks this.
  10. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
  11. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    NYC Auto Car Private Refuse Truck with Dayton Wheels
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