Please Explain This To Me

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by BookingYou19, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. BookingYou19

    BookingYou19 Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    Forest Lake, MN
    No true, first of all 8 miles does not burn $30 in fuel, sorry. 2nd how can you call it round trip miles if it is on the way? its not like he had to back track to pick it up, so wrong again. 3rd, it is produce, they make changes all the time, so drivers have to be willing to be flexible or they will be rubbed out. 4th even Redforeman said he would ask for $100 hoping for $50, so i not fishing for suppoerters, just looking for input. 5th is didnt pay him $50, I paid him $75. So i guess my frame of reference seems fine. Especially since he was picking up one pallet.

    BTW he was in there and out in less than 45 minutes. So i guess that can be point 5.
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  3. BookingYou19

    BookingYou19 Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    Forest Lake, MN

    It was 8 miles. How is that a trick? If I got paid $75 for every 8 miles I would get paid $937 every day for driving too and from work. I'd take that all day. I guess I'm not catching on to why adding a pick 8 miles away, before he even began to turn tires towards the load, is so horrific on the part of a broker.
  4. BookingYou19

    BookingYou19 Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    Forest Lake, MN
    I actually think the oldest trick in the book is the call back, "Oh I broke down" or "Sorry I am out of hours, cant make delivery" or "I need $500 for layover"

    Not, Hey I need you to go pick up 1 pallet 8 miles away, it wil pay you and additional $75 and is going to take 45 minutes. On a load paying you $1250 on 119 miles.

    I guess I am the one tryig to trick people.
  5. truckon

    truckon Swamp Thing

    Dec 16, 2011
    Like I'd tell you!
    Quit being so defensive, you came on here to get input from others, and that's what your getting, take it all, sort though and use what you can to become a better business man.
  6. BookingYou19

    BookingYou19 Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    Forest Lake, MN
    OK i'll admit that last one was me being a bit of a B****. I did come on here to get input exactly, not to be called a liar or a crook. Saying that adding a pick 8 miles away is the oldest trick in the book is a stretch. I have gained a lot on how to approach carriers with different issues or changes or bad news or good news.

    By the way, I stole your quote for something, but i dont remember.
  7. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Was it 8 real miles or 8 imperial miles?
  8. BookingYou19

    BookingYou19 Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    Forest Lake, MN
    It was 8 miles on PC miler, not shortest, practical. Paid $75. Thought that was fair. Have had some different opinions from carriers on whether this was or not. I'm sure some brokers would be the same, some would say they thought it was fair, some would say it was too much.
  9. wstar2003

    wstar2003 Light Load Member

    Jul 14, 2013
    Part of the issue is compensation in line with the equipment requested. Did it ever occur to you that you are asking someone with roughly 200k of equipment on the ground plus an operator to perform a service for $75? That is a terrible return on that kind of investment considering the time it will take. If you asked a company with comparable investment on the ground (wrecker, crane, etc.) you would find out that their vehicles don't even START for $75. Again you are trying to assign value to services that are outside your area of expertise. Like I said in another thread I don't understand why truckers allow brokers to dictate to them anything about rates. But don't give up you will find all kinds of carriers out here nowadays that will allow it. Arguing about whether a stop should pay $100 while shippers set new revenue records every year. Wow.
  10. truckon

    truckon Swamp Thing

    Dec 16, 2011
    Like I'd tell you!
    I will send a pm with my address for the royalties. :D
    BookingYou19 Thanks this.
  11. BookingYou19

    BookingYou19 Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    Forest Lake, MN
    Yes it occurs to me every time i have to call a carrier and update it. The carrier should know full well the score on any produce load. I wasnt telling him to get off the couch and go pick up a load 8 miles away and deliver it for $75. I asked him to pick up an extra pallet 8 miles away and bring it to the same receiver. His load went from 119 miles to 127 miles. His pay went from $1250 to $1325. I think he still did alright on this load delivering straight through. $10.43 per mile for less than 24 hrs work?
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