Please Explain This To Me

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by BookingYou19, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. RedForeman

    RedForeman Momentum Conservationist

    Jan 30, 2011
    That kind of delay == layover. A daily rate for the type of equipment booked, plus some extra if the carrier had to cancel a load or is stuck out over a weekend as a result.

    FCFS is more often later than sooner, and anyone that's been trucking longer than a week knows that. The only thing you can do is not sugar coat it. Don't tell me I can get in there at 0800, then try to sneak in a FCFS on the rate. I do read those details and will call you back if the latest possible time will be a problem, either for me or for the scheduled delivery appointment if the actual dock time turns out to be very late in that FCFS window. When I accept a rate like that, any schedule risk is clearly noted on my signed rate confirmation.

    If it's going to fall like a domino on my reload, I will call to demand a better, firm schedule before I accept it. Or a clear understanding of what the consequences of forced late delivery might be. Like I said, much more positive outcome to work that stuff out before it's on the road.
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  3. BookingYou19

    BookingYou19 Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    Forest Lake, MN
    SO what would you charge for that Layover? Or what would you consider fair?

    I agree FCFS is a crap shoot. But I always lay out to the carrier when we are booking whether it is a delivery appointment or a delivery window. I dont book them and then say, "oh by the way..."
  4. bullhaulerswife

    bullhaulerswife Forum Leader/Admin Staff Member Administrator

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just because the shipper takes the shipment early, doesn't necessarily "free the truck" for another load, because in our case at least, the next load has already been booked based on the delivery schedule you provided me. So that would leave the truck sitting, waiting to load as scheduled based on your delivery schedule. So I don't see how you could expect anything back from that.

    And I'm confused about the loosing a days transit time? How does that work? Are you talking about getting an earlier delivery time or the load actually is rerouted a day closer?

    You've got me lost on that one. LOL
  5. Mev

    Mev Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    Exactly...I recall telling my dispatcher once that I didn't have the hours to complete the load that she just sent me....she snapped back " Don't shoot the horse before you get on it,I'll handle the broker ! "
    BookingYou19 Thanks this.
  6. BookingYou19

    BookingYou19 Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    Forest Lake, MN
    It's hard to debate that point. If they have a load pre booked and we get them out 6 hrs earlier than scheduled, then it would make sense for the driver to keep pay as is. I guess i was talking more along the lines of executing a request. The moust common i run into are on loads from the SE to CA. So we agree on a rate and they ask if we can get them a quicker delivery date. Most times we cant since the receivers are tied up. But when we do, I would expect to get a little money back since we are saving them a day on the load, saving reefer fuel, and servincing the load how they wanted.

    Not an extreme rebate, but if a day layover pays $150, a day removal should pay equally.
    truckon and bullhaulerswife Thank this.
  7. wichris

    wichris Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2011

    Now that would be really stretching it to expect to pay less for delivering earlier. Maybe if you had negotiated a rate that included laying over the weekend for Monday delivery and were able to change it to Friday instead.
  8. BookingYou19

    BookingYou19 Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    Forest Lake, MN
    So if it was picking up Monday, supposed to deliver Friday and we agreed on $4k. But then I was able to get you delivery on Thursday... You wouldnt think they should give any money back on the rate?

    I know that if it delivered Saturday there would have to be an addition of money. I guess thats just where I dont understand the difference.
  9. sdaniel

    sdaniel Road Train Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Pelham N.C.
    Does making the load say 5000 lbs lite move the two cities closer ? You pointed out you were leasing the entire trailer, up to a certain weight. You entered into a agreement based on those miles and exclusive use of the trailer( no LTL) . So one 5 lb box or up to the agreed max weight. About all our loads are stated as 45000 lb . 45001 you have broken the agreement. And yes I have carried one box at 5lb . Rate was 5.65$ a mile for 250 miles. Not my fault you call in a extra for one box, should have put in on the regular truck on that run. Was air freight , from a online pharmacy (marked sat delivery, this was 5am sat morning) . Never know what may have been in there , could have been meds some one had to have now! Point being miles was the same , could care less if its just 5 lbs, still used a 53ft trailer and a truck. That was one top of the 900$ to have each truck stand by. He required 3 standbys each night. . Some days I miss it! Then I remember burning the candle at both ends!
    bullhaulerswife Thanks this.
  10. wichris

    wichris Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    No. I am a carrier and a broker,if someone asked me to reduce the rate(your example)I would drop the whole load.(from broker or shipper) I would have to wonder what else they would try to nickel or dime me for.
    RedForeman and bullhaulerswife Thank this.
  11. sdaniel

    sdaniel Road Train Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Pelham N.C.
    The receiver agreeing to get their freight a day early involves your rate how? The receiver holding the truck 24 hours has wasted a day of my life. One person used the word greed , now who sounds greedy? Because it was in town a day early and the customer agreed to take it early, did that change the miles?
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