Monday training can be the worst, man. Don't let it intimidate ya. Tuesday and Wednesday are better, and Thursday and Friday are a breeze.
Saturday and Sunday training? Isn't that also known as 12 oz. curls??
Please Help!!!
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Wannabeatrucker, Mar 21, 2008.
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No Shock it's MGD or BUD...your pick...or Boone's Farm...LOL!!!
You guys have me confused. What's the difference in the days of training? Why is Monday harder? -
I haven't had Boone's Farm in a looong time.
That and Annie Greensprings.
I vote for the Boone's Farm --- it'll bring back memories.
You're ON, WannaBee.
Soon to be NewBee ---
Then Rookie
Lord willin' and the creek don't rise.
You got it bud...once I'm out there "SAFELY" I wanna meet you and the crow and we'll have some boone's farm safely.
I have a question that's off topic. What's with the truckers drinking in their truck? I have visited a few truck stops in the area and have notice some drivers taking cases back to their trucks. I noticed a Schneider driver and his GF or wife with a big bottle of rum headed back to their truck.
For sure ------ we'll wear our seat-belts.
Buckled up, ....... not tied on.
LOL...So answer the question. I'd thought for sure Shock would weigh in on the drinking thing.
He's adjusting his tandems now to compensate for the over-weight drivers.
Not the Big truck truck drivers, -----
the drive WHEELS.
I gotta 'splain EVERYthang?
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