Point of oversaturation in the trucking industry?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by TylerHarris96, Aug 27, 2018.

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  1. TallJoe

    TallJoe Road Train Member

    Apr 12, 2016
    If the unskilled immigrants speaking none or broken English are the real competition....what does it say about the profession? I have to confess that I'm a self loathing truck driver. I regret having not acquired any better professional skills....Even diabetic and obese women (men too - you gotta be politically correct) drive trucks for a living and they will continue so even more, for the lack of anything better to do. So I find it strange and funny when some try to find some glamour in trucking. This is where I agree with mister Kevin R. Seriously, sometimes I think that those illegal Latinos picking strawberries in Watsonville have more skills. I tried to pick strawberries on vacations in my young years, danm! That was not fun. LOL I had better run now!
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
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  3. Rubber duck kw

    Rubber duck kw Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    Theres diabetic and obese people in literally every profession there is, maybe the same percentage but they're there. Picking fruit and vegetables would drive me somewhere beyond insane, I don't see how anybody does it.
  4. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas

    Aka I don't wanna pay for a freaking warehouse and all that stuff.

    Here. Yesterday. Chop chop. Or Tick tock.

    Freaking impatient people wait two months for Asia to make the stuff, another month on the boat across the freaking pacific ocean and now yesterday. QUICK.

    *Vomits. I don't ever understand why Marybelline (North Little Rock, I hear the closed finally...such... such... over wound up high strung horses they are... a cookie to those of you who enjoy puns...) wants that whole load of lipstick yesterday. God knows it takes a month to sell it all.
    25(2)+2 Thanks this.
  5. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Im going to say this once. (Im not hangry etc he he)

    My pa was a diabetic. He did nothing but eat healthy picking at his plate like a bird. You would think with our family history of Anglo German Food that makes that great big dining room table groan and creak with a roomful of very large uncles partaking of such bountiful goodness... (On a social security check of 560 once a month no less...) he has to go and develop diabetes II.

    I suppose it has to do with the body's failure to process or generate the necessary hormones or chemicals needed to breakdown the food in some way but there are times I wished we buried ourselves in the dumpings, roast beef and saurkraut.
  6. jeffman164

    jeffman164 Medium Load Member

    Dec 4, 2012
    So the question still remains - " Is there a point of oversaturation in the trucking industry" ?
  7. Rubber duck kw

    Rubber duck kw Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    Yes there is.
  8. Midnightrider909

    Midnightrider909 Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2016
    I would say it happened a long time ago judging by the amount of truck parking available most anywhere at 2am and the crappy driver pay.
  9. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    That's one of the options. We could also delete every post that went over the line into politics. There were a lot of them
    We can also close the thread, delete the thread, or move it to Political.
    Politics should stay in the Political section. Some of the members don't take that idea very seriously.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2018
  10. TallJoe

    TallJoe Road Train Member

    Apr 12, 2016
    Gee! What a bunch of BS I just read....Ha Ha Ha...Show me the proof, even a link to some info of any immigrants who received US taxpayers to form businesses in US. Maybe the house I live in and the condo I rent were paid by US tax payers money too.? I have lived in US for 25 years and never received a single $ from anyone, so stop spreading BS. You must be frustrated because the only thing you can do is to hold that steering wheel, and now you see all the immigrants posing a threat to your livelihood. It does indeed take away all the glamour and pride of "If we stop, America stops too". the sad truth is that for many steering wheel holders the only alternative would be to find jobs such as shoveling shiit on a farm somewhere, because they can't do anything else for the lack of better skills or education. People like you would want CDL jobs to be privileged and limited as if it was something as difficult to obtain as a commercial plane pilot license. It is not happening any time soon.

    BTW show the link to the story of the polish guy from Chicago backed by the Russian mafia....where 100 new Volvos were driven by non English speaking immigrants, who had accidents left and right. For whatever reason, this I can't find.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2018
    Reason for edit: I had to correct some orthographic mistakes.
  11. TallJoe

    TallJoe Road Train Member

    Apr 12, 2016
    You have been at this for 3 years? I remember you were going to buy a truck and go as a team with your wife, a good prospective project. By now, you should be thinking of buying another truck. Instead, you are worried about the value of you labor and spreading some NAZIS rhetoric blaming always someone else for your phobias. I can assure you that the number of illegal drivers reduced quite a bit in the last 5-10 years due to the requirement of DMVs to check their legal status. I heard that SC is still loose at this. Also, the number of seasonal drivers, coming from Eastern Europe reduced much too. I don't have any data right now to back it all back but I would not be surprised that in a scenario that many would wish, where all immigrants are banned from driving trucks, you would see little or no change. Oh maybe there would be some for a few months...but you'd see influx of the unskilled... and maybe more housewives from desperate households, so it would not help too much in terms of your labor gaining more value, but at least the industry would be pure. But what about half immigrants or immigrants kids? Would they be still considered as impure Americans? For example, after Nurymberg laws established in 1935 a half Jew could never be a German. Can't you see some resemblance?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2018
    Reason for edit: more orthographic errors had to be corrected
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