Point of oversaturation in the trucking industry?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by TylerHarris96, Aug 27, 2018.

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  1. DSK333

    DSK333 Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2018
    From what I see running the center and right half of the country are all the alleged "demonized immigrants" running their own authorities and all I see from the megas are women and younger people. For the record, Trump's problem is with ILLEGAL immigrants. Why do Lefties always seem to leave that very important detail out constantly when the topic arises?
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
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  3. Buckeye 60

    Buckeye 60 Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2018
    problem is the law is you must be fluent and literate in the English language in order to get a cdl ..... some states feel they don't have to worry about the federal law ...aka California. .. Illinois. ... new York and Michigan and for the most part these people are not fluent in Spanish either so you can't play the race card as most of these groups are white eastern European. .... although they come legally on a student or visiting visa get a cdl and just stay illegally. ... Illinois seems to be the main culprit as a cdl can be purchased for around $500 from what I've heard without any testing of any kind ...... they can't get a hazmat endorsement because of immigration status so on hazmat loads they run with a fake bill of lading and no placards this I have seen first hand
    roadtech Thanks this.
  4. Buckeye 60

    Buckeye 60 Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2018
    when I got my physical this spring the nurse said by law if the applicant doesn't know enough English to fill out the application or answer the questions it is a automatic fail ..... we all see how that's enforced. .... what it will take is for ohio Indiana Wisconsin or Iowa to pull in trucks from Illinois and check the drivers and start jailing drivers and towing trucks
  5. Buckeye 60

    Buckeye 60 Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2018
    the left are too far left now and I think the blacks and Hispanic voters are finally waking up just like the working class of all races have that the Democrats are no longer helping so the only thing left to do is import voters
  6. Buckeye 60

    Buckeye 60 Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2018
    the economy is as good now as it ever has and the only thing the dems do is resist positively stupid
  7. Midnightrider909

    Midnightrider909 Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2016
    Maybe because he never speaks positively about non-white immigrants and calls their countries s-holes. Anyone with a brain can read between the lines. I don’t care. I’m a lefty and have no problem understanding that if you import desperate people from 3rd world countries willing to work for cheap then pay for the native born drivers will drop. The problem is immigration and it doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not. Supply and demand doesn’t care about legal status. I’m in favor of any policy that makes my labor more valuable.
    roadtech Thanks this.
  8. roadtech

    roadtech Medium Load Member

    Sep 4, 2010
    I remember a company from Chicago coming to NY with
    All Eastern Europeans years ago . They had all new Volvo’s. At least 100 trucks. most could not speak any English and could barely drive. They all had Chicago CDL’s . They were getting in accidents left and right and DOT started pulling them in and they had the drivers picture on the Illinois drivers license , but they all had the same drivers license number. Then DOT started putting them out of service if they couldn’t communicate in English and they started having a second guy in the truck who could translate to the driver if the driver couldn’t communicate in English. From what I was told the owner was a Polish guy who was backed by the Russian Mob in Chicago , who got a lot of their initial money from the billions the US sent to The Soviet Union when the iron curtain fell. Corrupt military , politicians , and organized crime stole a large portion of the American money sent to help with the collapse of their economy and ran to the USA and bought big homes , started businesses ( legal and illegal)and lived a lavish lifestyle with US tax payer money. This was told to me by 2 PA State Police troopers at the time.

    You can’t blame them for doing it. We allowed it and still do. They laugh at how open we are as a country
    and if a couple of PA State troopers knew what was and is going on you can be sure US intelligence and the FBI do too.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
    Midnightrider909 Thanks this.
  9. roadtech

    roadtech Medium Load Member

    Sep 4, 2010
    Many of those 3rd world immigrants become owner operators and don’t pay taxes for years hiding under different company names and eventually split back to “their country” after
    Years of suppressing rates and leaching off the US trucking industry.
    Midnightrider909 Thanks this.
  10. DSK333

    DSK333 Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2018
    How so? The feds are in control of immigration and our votes are clearly absolutely worthless. Trump wants to stop the illegals from coming here and he's called a racist for it. When Operation ####### happened nobody batted an eye. Today it's RAAAYYYSISCCITCSSS!!! Everybody wants to blame it on race and get at each other's throats meanwhile the Feds steal form all of us yet we do nothing. If that's what you mean by "we allowed it" I would agree because we should be standing in unison in masses as we tar and feather all of the Supreme Court, White House, Congress and the House of Representatives. They do not care about America and it's obvious. What's happening here is the beginning of the collapse. See burning Rome.

    Operation ####### - Wikipedia

    I also find it ironic that words that are considered derogatory to non-Whites are censored meanwhile all racist ethnic slurs against Whites are perfectly ok like Pollack, Whop, Mick etc etc. This anti-White indoctrination in going to be the death of Western civilization and my people in general as we now know it.

    List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
    Eldiablo and roadtech Thank this.
  11. Midnightrider909

    Midnightrider909 Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2016
    Just follow the money and see who profits off of such a system. They are your real enemies. Illegals would not be coming here if there weren’t people willing to hire them and a government willing to not enforce their own laws against those people.
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