How far is your averge hual ?
How many day are you away from home at a time?
How many hours can you drive pre day? (BY Law)
Poland Haulers
Discussion in 'European/Other Countries Truckers Forum' started by Cybergal, Jun 23, 2008.
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Here you have in polish how many hour we can drive czas jazdy.PNG.
And I try to translate it to english:
Normal Time of Driving: 9 hours
Longest Time of driving you can do 2 times in week: 10 hours
In week you can drive maximum: max 56 h (4x9+2x10= 56)
Max time driving with no stop for rest: 4,5 h
You must stop for rest: min 45 minutes or 3x 15 minutes, or min 30 minutes and later 15 minutes
The daily rest:
normal: 11 hours/24 (you must do all eleven together)
short: 9 hours together 3 times in week. Later you must to sleep longer in ending of the week to do the normal rest.
Daily rest (when are 2 drivers driving the truck): 8 hours (all)/30
The week rest:
normal:45 hours with the daily rest.
I translate the most important, but you can sometimes cut your rest time, or driving time. This is not very difficult to understand, when you are driving. But when You are rading the Polish law you cannot understand it.
PaymentPlan, Big Duker and woodstock36 Thank this. -
I unstand that very well thanK you
there we drive 11 hr per 24hr but may be on duity for 14 you count load unload and meals as on duity; but, then you get ten off unless the roads are bad ( Snow, Ice, fog ) then you can drive for 13 hr and work 16hr.
I don't know if you care but I like to konw about other places.KapiPL Thanks this. -
So you can drive longer, you have better law.
This weekend there was a Polish trucker waiting here in town. I think he didn't have cargo back on friday and had to wait here untill monday. So this driver will not see home for 2 weeks I think. Thats real bad because you can't do anything for 2 days, but it can happen to any driver that is doing international. -
Sometime's boss of your firm don't like you to go home. I know stories when drivers were a month, or more in truck.
KapiPL siemanko! I tried to write po Polsku but its not allowed, I am from Poland but driving in the US witam! z Portland, OR no Polish people here
Cześc MTC. Tell me your story
Why you went to USA? When you came there, you wanted to be a trucker?
Fajnie że są jacyś polacy na forumTranslate: qool that on this forum are poles
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