Poor man's Italian chicken (pressure cooker)

Discussion in 'Food & Cooking in the Truck | Trucker Recipe Forum' started by LowBeam, Sep 2, 2023.

  1. LowBeam

    LowBeam Light Load Member

    Jan 31, 2023
    A couple pounds chicken thighs, legs whatever you wish.
    24oz zesty Italian dressing
    1 2lb spaghetti squash
    Whatever seasoning you wish.

    cut squash in half. Remove seeds.
    Put half the bottle of dressing in pot, lay thighs on. Pour more dressing over thighs. Lay one half of squash on top of thighs. Add rest of dressing.
    Pressure cook 15m. Quick release. Let cool for 5m. Take squash out first. Use fork to shred the squash innards. Plate them, then plate the chicken. Serve.

    I would add pics but it appears that I can't upload pics anymore...
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  3. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Thank you for this post!!

    May I ask -- what make/model pressure cooker are you using in your truck? :D

    -- L
    LowBeam Thanks this.
  4. LowBeam

    LowBeam Light Load Member

    Jan 31, 2023
    I just replaced an Instant Pot 3qt Lux. It lasted 4 years. Died last night... replaced it with a Farberware 6qt pressure cooker

    Farberware Programmable Digital Pressure Cooker, 6 Quart Farberware Programmable Digital Pressure Cooker, 6 Quart - Walmart.com

    Walmart had no instant pot branded pressure cookers so I settled for this. Bugger than I need but it still cooks fine...lol

    It takes 1000w to run it so make sure you have a good inverter. My 3qt instant pot only took 650w to run
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