Post your flatbed load pictures here

Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by the gambler, Dec 8, 2011.

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  1. Semi Crazy

    Semi Crazy Road Train Member

    May 13, 2011
    Middle Tennessee
    Kubota crates! You lazy SOBs! Climb on your trailer and put the strap on the parts inside the crate. Don't just stand on the ground and toss straps over the crate.

    Don't forget padding to keep the paint nice...

    ... and you are welcome!

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  3. Winchester Magnum

    Winchester Magnum Road Train Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Alaska highway
    41 foot of bottom deck came in handy here....And I still had 1 ft overhang of those big meats.

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2012
    SHC, lowboyjay and alex94 Thank this.
  4. Winchester Magnum

    Winchester Magnum Road Train Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Alaska highway
    Who can spot the OVERKILL in this picture? LOL

    alex94 and DodgeFarmBoy Thank this.
  5. DodgeFarmBoy

    DodgeFarmBoy Light Load Member

    Mar 11, 2012
    Southern, Minnesota
    LOL the crane could pick the whole truck and trailer up!!!!
  6. Winchester Magnum

    Winchester Magnum Road Train Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Alaska highway
    The construction site ordered that crane especialy for me, a 16,000 pound new tank. I was LMAO when he drove into the site.
    alex94 and DodgeFarmBoy Thank this.
  7. DodgeFarmBoy

    DodgeFarmBoy Light Load Member

    Mar 11, 2012
    Southern, Minnesota
    That's hilarious!! Nice truck/trailer BTW :biggrin_25525:
    Winchester Magnum Thanks this.
  8. JDP

    JDP Medium Load Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    Dubuque, IA
    Haha the crane is overkill unless that tank they're loading on your is a solid steel block inside of it, lol.
  9. king Q

    king Q Road Train Member

    Jul 26, 2010
    Johannesburg sa
    There are 2 reasons a larger than expected crane is often used.
    (1) The crane hire company only has a larger crane available and rather than let the client go to a rival company supply a larger crane than ordered at smaller crane rate.
    (2) The unit off loaded has to be placed somewhere on site that needs the lifting capacity of a larger crane at reach than a crane simply for off loading could handle.

    I suspect the former here because the crane is set up for minimum lifting.
    It has minimum counter weights and reeves of cable on the hook.
    This is the way they set larger cranes up when hired out as lower capacity units.
    If it was for reach they would have had more counter weight.
    kajidono and SHC Thank this.
  10. kubotaorange76

    kubotaorange76 Light Load Member

    Apr 9, 2010
    Monticello, Ga

    your too funny
  11. RW.

    RW. Heavy Load Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    west central IL
    Finally I have a load worthy of posting on here! A hammermill rotor from a scrapyard being sent out to get rebuilt, weighed 48,000. First one of these I've done, so I didn't know what I was doing. Set it on coil racks, and it didn't move, but standard coil racks would have worked better for this I think, since all the weight is sitting in just 4 small spots. It sunk into the blocks pretty bad, I'm glad it was only going 400 miles. A learning experience, but it got there at least.

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