Previous Employer Won't reply to new Employer. Can't get Hired

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by jimbo33, Jan 21, 2025.

  1. jimbo33

    jimbo33 Bobtail Member

    Jul 31, 2021
    Hello i was wondering if anyone else ever ran into this problem and what they did about it? I have about 6 years experience and of course the new employer wants to verify my last 3 yrs of employment.. The problem is my previous employer will not reply to multiple requests. I applied at 6 places and found it strange how they stopped replying and didn't finish processing my application. Then all the sudden i get an email today saying my previous company won't reply and they can't hire me unless they can verify my previous 3 yrs of employment. Isn't there some kind of DOT rule that they have to reply? They might be mad i left and being stubborn about it. I think their company is going under too. So maybe they don't care
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Do you have W-2 forms or tax returns for those 3 years. If so, most companies will accept that as proof.
    @Ridgeline may have some help.
  4. jimbo33

    jimbo33 Bobtail Member

    Jul 31, 2021
    Yes, tax returns and paystubs. I just emailed them asking if they would accept that. Thanks
  5. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    All your hiring carrier is required to do is make a documented effort in good faith to contact your previous employer. They can technically hire you if your previous employer ignores the requests. Problem is either they don’t know or their own company policy is to make positive contact..

    Your previous employer can get into trouble by not responding. May not help but, if it was me I’d probably initiate a call to fmcsa and see how far I could get to putting the employer on the fmcsa’s radar.
  6. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    Part of the reason is to check for safety issues..failed drug tests etc.

    Pay stubs aren’t going to get you anywhere with what is expected from hiring carriers. If you’re trying to get on with a large company you are probably sol.
  7. jimbo33

    jimbo33 Bobtail Member

    Jul 31, 2021
    Yes good idea, i think i will try that if they don't respond soon. I might nicely remind the head safety guy of the fmcsa rule first, since he seemed pretty reasonable when i worked there. The HR person is new and i don't think she knows all the rules. She sent me for a DOT alcohol test once when i was on a week vacation
    hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
  8. wulfman75

    wulfman75 Road Train Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Athens, GA
    They have the ckearinghouse for failed drug tests. I've used w2's before for verification.
  9. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    The problem with W-2’s is that it doesn’t satisfy what carriers are required to do.
    Bean Jr. Thanks this.
  10. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    I think everyone has.
    That's right.
    Have you called them yourself?

    You can ask them why are they interfering with your application to get a new job?

    and you don't need to be an **** hole but be calm about it.
    Document everything, from the app submission to the one who told you they rejected you and why.
    That's alright, document it, keep applying. WHen you talk to the next company, ask them what you need to do to prove your employment, we don't accept W2 or tax returns or anything like that. We follow the regs, make a good faith effort and then document every attempt and if we get nasty respond, it is reported to the FMCSA.
    Yes there is, can't tell you that right now.
    I don't blame you, it is frustrating but at least they are not telling your potential employer you never worked there. I've had that problem with a couple drivers, one of them I met in a company truck months before.

    Good, sounds like a crap company.
    Yep that's all we do, I don't want to waste time, if there is a problem after the investigation takes place, then that's something we deal with.
    They can hire a driver no matter what, as long as there is no fraud or intent to deceive.
  11. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I got hired at a large company and the of the 2 previous companies on my 10 year work history one of them was no longer in business. Not sure what happened with that when they inquired, or how they would even do so in that case, but it didn't prevent me from getting the job.
    jimbo33 Thanks this.
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