I have a governed 62MPH truck and the ONLY company trucks I consistently ever pass are Prime trucks... and it's not no 60MPH... they're going about 57-58 tops
Man I switched companies going from 65 to 62.. I don't know how these people go 57 all day long in 70 MPH zones and not go crazy. Prime must be paying their driver a lot of money to make up for their slow trucks.
Any Prime drivers out there care to explain why you are with them with their sorry slow Freightshakers? I'm actually pretty curious
Prime has the SLOWEST sorry trucks on the road today, it's not even close
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by freightwipper, Aug 19, 2014.
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They go slower than 57MPH at times... I've got radar in my truck and have come up on some doing 48MPH. It's unsafe! But there is another thread somewhere on here that has talked about this issue before.
fuzzeymateo, Joetro, skibum_63 and 3 others Thank this.
All trucks will be governed to 65 by 2015; this is all over the news.
NavigatorWife and Chinatown Thank this.
fuzzeymateo and ironpony Thank this.
Where's that picture someone had in their signature of an Amish wagon passing a Prime truck? It was a good laugh. If you can post to who ever has it, that would be great to share.
Prime trucks aren't governed that slowly. The drivers choose to go that slowly to maximize their fuel economy; Prime has some serious fuel bonuses.
48Packard Thanks this.
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