Pritchett Trucking
Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Trashtrucker1265, Jan 16, 2010.
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I finally was able to find their website and got most of information I was looking for! But I was wondering if your still with them? If so how's it going..?
No I'm not with them currently, that's not to say I wouldn't go back if an opportunity presented itself. I read some of your other posts and saw where your age would be a problem, but heck by the time you're 23 you'll have knocked out 2 years of driving and be in a position to hire on with them. Pritchett was the best driving job I had in my 11 years so far, with all jobs I'm sure some would agree with me, and some would disagree. Living in Starke you'll get a love/hate response when it comes to them, some will swear by Pritchett some will swear by WBT, it's all in what you make of it I guess.
Sounds good, man I appreciate your input. Sounds like a great place to work! I'm looking forward to getting out there
Well here comes a blast from the past, after almost 4 and a half years I've found myself back at home with Pritchett Trucking, and I couldn't be happier. I'm running trash again out of Ocala, up to Valdosta, and back hauling bark in to the Orlando/Tampa areas. The pay is comparable to what it was when I was here before, if not better, and the family feel and appreciation are still as strong as they were in 2011. I was welcomed back with a new start, and I feel I'm taking full advantage of that, just busting my butt and hustling the garbage up and down the road the way that I know how.
I will pop in periodically and do updates, and as always if anyone has anyone questions feel free to ask, we seem to be 100 times busier then we were when I was here before which means quite a bit of opportunity for those living in Central/North Florida and south Georgia.123456 Thanks this. -
Good luck,I too have left Calex bought my own truck and leased to Landststar. Are you still in Inverness?
JROTRA, I still have my home in Inverness but I spend most of my time in Ocala, that's where the transfer station is based out of plus I have a sleeper truck, so I typically just go down on the weekends to get my mail and what not. I hope your new venture works out for you, are you and your wife operating as a team with Landstart?
123456 Thanks this. -
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