Pritchett Trucking

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Trashtrucker1265, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. LampkinOO

    LampkinOO Bobtail Member

    Jan 17, 2016
    South Georgia
    I want to hail chips for them as a leased on O/O. Any idea how that's going? Any idea what the pay per load is? Just trying to see if I'll be able to make what I need with them rather than getting on with Landstar or similar.
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  3. ocalag8r

    ocalag8r Bobtail Member

    Jul 31, 2010
    Ocala, Fl.
    Curious as to how strictly they stick to the 2 years tractor trailer experience. I have 18 months tractor trailer experience and have been working for the county driving dump trucks, etc. for the last six months. I live in Ocala so it sounds like a good fit from my end. Thanks.
  4. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    It's been a while for me, so long actually that I couldn't remember my log in information for my previous screen name. I've been missing the forum lately, I guess it's been about two years since I've posted. I'm still here with Pritchett, life has taken some turns with a few bumps in the road, but the one thing that seems to stay consistent is my employment here.

    One thing that has changed though is that I don't haul garbage anymore, I finally put my fears behind me and run regionally pulling a frameless dump throughout the southeast hauling scrap, stone, feed, fertilizer, basically anything that will fit. I gave up hauling garbage after my first year back, the back hauls slowed way down, and simply making a paycheck was getting tough, I've been on the regional side for almost a year now and have stayed consistently busy all year long. I'm in a 2018 mack, #1707, with Flip Flop on the door if anyone happens to pass by.

    If anyone has anyone questions about employment, I'll be glad to answer them, heck collectively I now have over 5 years here:) Guess, I'm a lifer now. Safe travels...............
    JohnBoy Thanks this.
  5. jrotra

    jrotra Light Load Member

    May 27, 2010
    Inverness , Florida
    Glad to hear that you are still around. We have been doing the Landststar thing , really happy with that.
  6. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Good to hear Jrotra, I miss the old days of this forum, it just seemed really active back then, doesn't seem like a whole lot of activity on here except for a few main threads. Stay safe out there.
    jrotra Thanks this.
  7. Scottb313

    Scottb313 Bobtail Member

    May 4, 2014
    Hinesville, Ga
    Trash trucker 1707, just read your entire thread over the course of the day. I'm a local chip hauler in South Georgia. Pay is pretty decent, as we get paid by the ton. The company I work for has 30 something trucks and is a family operation. They're really great people to work for. We have weekly bonuses, but no benefits. I really enjoy my job, but I'm considering moving to Florida next year. I've seen several of Pritchett's chip trucks hauling to Rayonier in Jesup, Ga. The equipment looks nice compared to most around here. It's always in passing that I see them, and I haven't caught a driver to talk to yet .Do you know how the chip division pays at Pritchett? I've also got experience with dump trailers so that wouldn't be out of question either. Just looking for more info on the company. Also, are you allowed to take your truck home or do you have to park on a terminal yard? Thanks for your time and any info! Your thread has been very interesting!
  8. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    First thing I'll ask you is where you're considering moving, that will help me describe what I know we have moving out of that particular area.
  9. Scottb313

    Scottb313 Bobtail Member

    May 4, 2014
    Hinesville, Ga
    I love the Panama City area, but I've also considered the Tampa area. Not really set in stone on either one, especially if one would provide more opportunities with the company than the other .
  10. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Tampas not really going to provide any opportunity other than frameless dump which is what I do, basically our OTR divsion. Panama City is also a questionable area, if you're open to other panhandle options, we have quite a few trucks based out of Fort Walton for the WM solid waste contract(transfer station), they will bounce you around to other locations as needed though, we run for Leon county, Defuniak Springs, Dothan, and Baker as well. There are trucks assigned to all of those locations, as well as a recycling facility located in Woodville, directly south of Tallahassee. I believe I've ran across you before in Valdosta at the landfill, I've always ran the blue LED's on the back of my cab, you were running up there with "hardhead" from WBT if it was you.
  11. Scottb313

    Scottb313 Bobtail Member

    May 4, 2014
    Hinesville, Ga
    Nope, wasn't me that time. I haven't hauled to the landfill in Valdosta before. I'm pretty open when it comes to which city I move to, and if everything I've read about Pritchett is true, working for them would be worth the determining factor on where to move! Are the local trucks assigned or do they slip seat? Is the pay for waste hauling still around the same as it was when you were in that division, or do you know?
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