Terminated for alleged misconduct of being on the phone while driving.
These were the images/evidence to support the alleged misconduct and violation of company policy.
The company demanded that I consent to a driver-facing camera, and I denied the request.
Terminated after several years of employment, no previous warnings or write-ups.
No policy is in place regarding camera use (policies never mention outward or inward-facing cameras) and terms of employment.
The company has a written policy of progressive discipline.
Thank you.
Q: Alleged misconduct of cell phone use? What do you think?
Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Bonita Nut, Aug 7, 2024.
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Wargames, viper822004, Flat Earth Trucker and 2 others Thank this.
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yup, looks like a cell phone reflection
4wayflashers, Bean Jr., Kyle G. and 7 others Thank this. -
We are allowed to have wireless blue-tooth device to talk on the phone.
The phone lights up if a call comes in.
In your opinion, is this evidence of misconduct?
If you say yes, I completely respect your opinion and thoughts.
I'm just trying to get some honest feedback here (what's done is done).okiedokie, Flat Earth Trucker and The_vett Thank this. -
Irregardless of what is true or not it sounds like the company is not worth working for if they are in fact going to play games like this. It might just be time to move on and this is writing on the wall.
OrangeBox, 86scotty, JSanborn103 and 5 others Thank this. -
Thank you for your feedback. -
Go with a company that doesn't use driver facing cameras.
Most definitely!Flat Earth Trucker and Chinatown Thank this. -
You will find a Company that is a much better fit for you. Don't worry.
Flat Earth Trucker, Blagoje and Bonita Nut Thank this. -
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