QIM LLC - Joshua Samuel Lindberg and Eugene Kouhan

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by NotDOTOfficer, Nov 25, 2024.

  1. NotDOTOfficer

    NotDOTOfficer Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2024
    QIM LLC: Warning, Ongoing Investigation

    FMCSA COMPLAIN ID: 100271352

    It has been reported that QIM LLC is currently under investigation for alleged violations. Please note that no official conclusions have been made at this time. However, the following concerns have been raised:
    • Possible delays or failure to pay drivers for their work.
    • Allegations of creating false police reports and providing misleading information to law enforcement.
    • Potential misuse of fuel card data and unauthorized reproduction of such cards using specialized software.
    • Claims of tampering with vehicle mileage and engaging in other potentially fraudulent activities involving trucks.
    • Reports of withholding personal documents and detaining individuals unlawfully.
    • Allegations of pressuring drivers through legal threats or resolving disputes with minimal payouts.

    This information is based on complaints filed by individuals and has not been verified by official authorities. We recommend exercising caution when dealing with this company until the investigation is concluded.

    Important Disclaimer: This text is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a statement of fact or accusation. If you have relevant information or experiences, please report them to the appropriate authorities.

    Stay vigilant and protect your interests.

    This version includes a clear disclaimer and emphasizes the tentative nature of the claims, reducing the risk of liability.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2024
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  3. Fredflinstoneswig

    Fredflinstoneswig Bobtail Member

    Oct 3, 2024
    First of all thank you that you are exposing these guys. Only wise people will heed your warning. That being said in my experience I have contacted FMCSA to report unscrupulous companies. In the end of their investigation they told me they find supporting evidence that my complaint is true. But then in the end the FMSCA brushes it off as out of scope. Or anything they can do or allowed to do. In other words FMSCA is mainly there to put the boot on the neck of drivers and not defend them. And as good as they openly say in their website you can report a malicious company. There is very little if at all they can do or want to do. What FMSCA told me is that the complaint leaves a history a back file on that company. In my opinion that is still mostly useless as what they explained to me. I know FMCSA is more focused on double brokering. And everything else is pretty much thrown out the window.
    I hope I am wrong and you can get something done thru them. I'm just basing that out of my own experiences. Anyways do not give up. Make sure you vote corrupt politicians out. Attend and question new candidates to see what is their stand on corruption. If they fail to fulfill promises their names should be exposed. So they are embarrassed and their names be tarnished so there is a record the people dishonorably discharged these corrupt politicians. We need to get involved in politics and invoking new laws for things to change and there be justice. And not injustice because we the American people haven't found out we have power. They are our employees not our masters.
  4. wichris

    wichris Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Sounds like a complaint number you made, not a DOT officer. LOL
    Lonesome Thanks this.
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