Qualcomm-how to hide from big brother?

Discussion in 'Trucking Electronics, Gadgets and Software Forum' started by BearGator56, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. 2fuzy

    2fuzy Road Train Member

    Jun 19, 2008
    Granite Canon,WY
    there are two twisted wire that go to the key switch just wire a toggle into one of them and turn it on and off as you see fit
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  3. 2fuzy

    2fuzy Road Train Member

    Jun 19, 2008
    Granite Canon,WY
    the penny doesn't work
  4. mustang970

    mustang970 Road Train Member

    Mar 27, 2009
    So we can save billions on Stealth technology, and just cover the whole plane in tin foil, or send the SEAL types out and cover all the enemy radars up with tin foil.
  5. blackw900

    blackw900 The Grandfather of Flatbed

    Jul 12, 2009
    Here's a novel thought...No Qualcomm at all!
    It's worked for me all these years...I once considered leasing to a carrier that was supposed to be pretty good...Until they told me that they wanted to install a Qualcomm in my truck.

    I am medicineman and 2fuzy Thank this.
  6. ShadowRider

    ShadowRider Bobtail Member

    Apr 13, 2007
    I should have expected a reply as such. Send in the seal team to mask combat aircraft from other fighter jets, while in flight. Everyday I'm amazed at the level of unintelligent and uninformed information that is being passed in the trucking world.

    Young man, middle age man or old man, which ever you are! Please learn what your talking about before posting on a site. As I stated, "TIN-FOIL" will mast the transmitter and receiver dome of a QualComm system, of course you'll have some explaining to do to your company when asked what happened to your system when it goes off-line them comes back on-line.
  7. 2sN5s

    2sN5s Light Load Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    The Bronx NY
    Re-read my post. I said do the shower cap tin foil trick. If you've been in electronics for over 30years you'd know that the cables Qualcom uses are shielded so therefore pushing a pin thru the cable is jumpering (or electrically connecting) the outter shield with the center conductor of the cable therefore creating a short. I never said it wouldn't work, it does work but it only buys you some time until they kick in their other measures.
    either your reading comprehension skills or electronics background is questionable.
  8. mooniac59

    mooniac59 Bobtail Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    just use a set of jumper cables right from your battery to any wire going into the unit. pretty sure they won't know where you are then...... or later for that matter haha
  9. ShadowRider

    ShadowRider Bobtail Member

    Apr 13, 2007
    First things first, my qualifications have never been in question at any time. But, I should have expected no less of a non-intelligent answer than you posted. What your telling the young man to do is short out the entire system, "YA MAN", lets just fry the entire system and settle the whole problem, then the company can charge you a few thousand dollars to replace it!!!!!!!!!

    Sir, I worked on and operated a medium to high altitude anti-ballistic missile system in the military before I converted to U.S. Army Special Forces, Special Operations. Electronic's, digital electronic's, computers and micro-electronic's have been my field of study outside the military for over 30 years. After I retired from The United States Army (CSM), I completed my college thesis and was awarded my Doctorate. Do I drive a truck? No I don't. Why do I post on this site? Because I love big trucks and everyday I'm thankful to all the men and women that drive. without trucks America stops.

    But, what I find real interesting is the size of ego's in the trucking world and don't tell a trucker he's wrong. If you do, your asking for trouble. In this case Sir, your wrong. I will not continue this argument with you or anyone else. So young man, if you decide to push a straight pin through the coax and short out the system, please have about 2 to 3 thousand dollars to replace it after it's fried.
  10. rookietrucker

    rookietrucker Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    Has anyone given any consideration that newer trailers now have tracking devices on them ? I know some of the reefers units I pulled, had these devices on them and supposedly, you do not have to be connected to the tractor for them to see it's location.
  11. Peanut Butter

    Peanut Butter Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    PO Dunk Idaho
    One company i drove for had quallcomm and when ever i went to seattle or portland when it was very cloudy my quallcomm was dead, no messages came in and none went out, the out of signal light was on and the message board it said no signal unable to process.
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