Question about a garbage truck

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Wwefan, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. WitchingHour

    WitchingHour Road Train Member

    Apr 1, 2011
    Broomfield, CO
    Funnily enough, I remember that episode. That had to be at least 7-1/2 years ago, as I was still living in North Carolina when it aired. Had a friend who just ate that #### up. Of course, I did also... when I was 10 years old or so.

    All he did was lower the rear gate... he didn't actuate the sweep gate (which pushes trash into the body), and the neither the pack panel nor the pushout panel are actuated from outside of the truck. If anything, they probably disabled the sweep, pack, and discharge/pushout panels for the sake of risk and liability. So long as he didn't have a hand/foot/head sticking out to be crushed by the sweep panel, there wouldn't have been any risk to him.

    edit: Okay, I see now it wasn't the same episode. I read the post and assumed it was the one where Vince McMahon "judged" what's his face then he and John and Cena threw him into a rear loader truck.
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