Question for Refuse Drivers

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by qualitywaste, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. qualitywaste

    qualitywaste Bobtail Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    New to the forum and had a quick question. I recently started my own Residential/Commercial waste collection company and am still learning my way around these trucks. I have no previous driving experience so have many questions. Company has been going strong for about 7 months now and my current fleet is at 3 sideloaders and 1 front loader. I was wondering if anyone (maybe a WM driver :biggrin_25525:) had a truck maintenance log that I could possibly take a look at so that I could modify for my use. Again, I'm new to the truckin business and would really appreciate any help that I could get.
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  3. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    I doubt you'll find a WM driver as they have their own mechanics and shops.

    If you are looking for PM schedules they are listed in the owners manual. If you don't have them, you can go to the manufacturers website and download one.

    There are plenty of online maintenance programs. I can't refer a specific one but put your "truck name" and "maintenance program" in google and you'll find many.
    They'll alert you when something is due and can even print out the history, cost, etc.

    Here's some DOT truck requirement links you might find handy.
    HA-MTR Thanks this.
  4. Semi Crazy

    Semi Crazy Road Train Member

    May 13, 2011
    Middle Tennessee
    You got new trucks or used?

    Anyway truck maintenance is truck maintenance. The only difference is the trash bodies and hydraulics. If hinges and doors are loose already greasing regularly ain't gonna tighten 'em up.

    If you work them all morning I'd grease the zerks (I'd say nipples but I don't wanna get banned again) for the hydraulics and blades every 2 days. Oil the pins in the controls too.
  5. qualitywaste

    qualitywaste Bobtail Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    thanks for the info guys.
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