Questions about Schneider's training and pay

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by LadyNytmre, Aug 2, 2023.

  1. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia

    Is GM...or Ford....a bad car company....just because of one carsalesperson?

    The point here is: it could prove to be a mistake to throw the entire company under the bus -- if all this later turns out to be just one person's mistake.

    It might be prudent to withhold judgement -- until the world figures out what went wrong -- and also (of course) how they decide to fix it.

    -- L
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  3. Numb

    Numb Crusty Curmudgeon

    Jan 30, 2012
    Charlotte, N.Carolina
    me thinks you jumped the gun and used the bus ticket before the itinerary was generated, thereby putting him "in the system".

    it may not have been generated because there was not a slot in a class
    LadyNytmre and gentleroger Thank this.
  4. LadyNytmre

    LadyNytmre Light Load Member

    Nov 5, 2015
    Oh, totally. I hope I didn’t sound like I (or he) was soured in the company as a whole last night. Sounds like there was miscommunication between the recruiter and the recruiter he got passed off to on Friday. He still wants to work for Schneider and no one here is super angry or anything. It was nerve wracking last night to be hit with all of that, and a little scary not knowing what to expect in the morning but it sounds like they’re working on something. The TE this morning had no idea who he was and said the list was full for this round of orientation but he was going to work on it. Meanwhile, I made plans to get him home if necessary. Last contact I had with him, was a text he sent after he sent me to voicemail. “Busy in class.” :D
    Opus Thanks this.
  5. LadyNytmre

    LadyNytmre Light Load Member

    Nov 5, 2015
    He had no idea how any of that worked. He was told to be on that bus (and in the hotel lobby at 6 for the shuttle to orientation for today) and sent the ticket immediately after hanging up. She told him the hotel info would come later in the day and it never did. She was off on Friday and the recruiter she told him to contact with questions never answered the phone or called him back. He also wasn’t aware that no one was in that office over the weekend. He got on the bus as told. It appears to have worked out, at least enough that he’s in class right now. I have heard that the trainers are all fantastic and can get stuff done so that’s what I’m hoping has happened.
    Lonesome and Numb Thank this.
  6. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    They're a friendly bunch. He'll be fine.
    LadyNytmre Thanks this.
  7. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Schneider is a BIG machine -- with a lot of moving parts. It's probable that sometimes, some parts don't always perform quite as well as they should.

    Without knowing anything more -- I'd say that someone inside or behind the recruiting dept simply clocked out & went home, without making all the necessary & timely phone calls/emails....& thus providing the appropriate travel arrangements. :rolleyes:

    In truth -- your son should have been emailed the relevant hotel info -- well before he boarded that bus. :mad: :angry5:

    It will be interesting to learn what hotel accommodations they provide him for tonight -- & later. Also: does he get a room to himself -- or -- did they assign him a roommate?

    -- L
    LadyNytmre Thanks this.
  8. LadyNytmre

    LadyNytmre Light Load Member

    Nov 5, 2015
    I think they must be! I am enormously grateful that someone(s) there got him into class this morning. I'm taking that as a good sign that all things are moving forward and he's where he's supposed to be.
    fishonron Thanks this.
  9. Numb

    Numb Crusty Curmudgeon

    Jan 30, 2012
    Charlotte, N.Carolina
    my apologies, seems they dropped the ball.
    LadyNytmre Thanks this.
  10. LadyNytmre

    LadyNytmre Light Load Member

    Nov 5, 2015
    Definitely! I think that's what happened, too. Hopefully no one gets in too much trouble. Too dang hot to be blamed for having temporarily spaced out. It'll all get fixed, I'm sure.

    I wish he'd known to have that hotel info in hand before getting on the bus. He had no idea that was required info before heading out. With the offices closed over the weekend, there was no one to ask and he didn't want to mess up by not taking the bus. Maybe someone looking to get on with Schneider in the future will be helped by this post. :D

    That WILL be interesting! The email he got telling him to expect the itinerary mentioned all the usual "expect double occupancy", "no upgrades", "no guests", etc. According to the few people he was able to talk to last night, everything is booked around them. So, that's definitely going to be interesting.

    As an aside, mail just arrived and he's got mail from the DOT requesting that he authorize the release of his info to Schneider for the job. Going to pass him the info so he can take care of this today, but man...I'll be happy when all of the steps have been completed. :biggrin_2559:
    Lonesome and Opus Thank this.
  11. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    Just make sure everyone is clear about what position he's there for.
    Also, tell him to pay strict attention when they start training on the tablet. Take notes.
    He's in a good place. The people in Charlotte are nice (except for the dude behind the help desk that wears his hat backwards. Steer clear of that guy).
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