Questions from a relative newbie to trucking/brokerage

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by jmillerau, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. jmillerau

    jmillerau Bobtail Member

    Jul 11, 2014
    Without revealing too much about my current employment, let's just say that I've spent the last year in and around the trucking business. I work for a vendor that sells to trucking companies and freight brokerage companies. I've visited with roughly 40-50 companies of all shapes and sizes, throughout the US. That said, I feel like I've gained some decent perspective about the business, but by no means have I learned all of the ins and outs.

    I'm very interested in starting my own freight brokerage and i have A LOT of questions regarding that.

    What are the essentials to get started? (computer, phone, fax, bond, software, business license, SCAC, MC #, etc.)

    Legally, what are your opinions and what are the differences for an Inc. or LLC or S-Corp in freight brokerage?

    Realistic income? 1st year? 2-5 years?

    Realistic time frame of "making money"?

    What do the first 30 days look like for a freight broker getting started? 60 days? 90 days? 1st year?

    Who to call first? Shippers? Carriers?

    How quickly can an aggressive (professional) sales person expect to start booking freight?

    How quickly and easily (or difficult) is it to get contract freight?

    How long will I have to live in the spot market hoping for one load at a time?

    What mistakes did you make in the first 3-6 months that you wish you could take back?

    Should I try to start as an agent for an established company?

    Will they even hire an agent without a book of business?

    ANY and ALL input is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
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  3. KenworthGuyNH

    KenworthGuyNH Road Train Member

    Dec 11, 2011
    Central, NH
    "Should I try to start as an agent for an established company?"

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