Quitting a high paying job to be happy

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by JoeyJunk, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. MNdriver

    MNdriver Road Train Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    More folk need to travel to a 3Rd world country.
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  3. JoeyJunk

    JoeyJunk Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Washington, PA
    Not ########, just looking for advice and wisdom. And...I never based my situations on what others are going thru. I never said I wasn't greatful. And those millions that want to be where I'm at??? Once you give the drug test, and then tell those left the hours involved........hardly anybody there lol.

    I wasn't bragging about anything I have, just trying to give details. I'm to the point where anything material just dosen't matter....it really never did. The money really dosen't matter either as I survived and was happier on a lot less. As far as the women go........don't really have time for them. I am dating one, but she requires attention that I dont have time for. 5 hours of sleep and a drive on both ends of a 15-16 shift for 15 days strait dosent leave alot of social time.

    I do appreciate everyones replies and hope to see some more. Sometimes within a post you can find that one bit of info or advice that was missing from your thought process that can make all the difference in the world.
  4. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    What's up JoeyJ, I'm pretty sure we spoke a while back prior to moving up here, low and behold I'm still in Washington unfortunately and I'm right there with you on the love/hate of a good paying job that leaves you absolutely no life. I won't mention publicly who I'm working for, but it seems like all I do is work as that's basically all there is to do around here. I hate this time of year too, can't stand not seeing the sun on days like today, and it's not forecasted to be back out until Tuesday maybe?
  5. seabring

    seabring Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    If its advice you're looking for then I have some to offer. I am the same age as you and an at the other end of the financial situation to you . I just poured all my savings into buying my own truck and am now working my butt off to save for a future in which my girlfriend and I can get married , start a family and hopefully be financially stable. These seemingly simple goals are actually hard to achieve without the money needed.
    My advice is to keep making the good money while you can and SAVE as much as you can. When the time comes for you to move on to other things at least you will be able to enjoy them and not have to worry about money.
    I used to make a stack of coin as a commercial fisherman , never saved a single penny of it , if I had of saved one dollar out of every ten I would be rolling in it !
    You may not like your job/life at the moment but keep at it until you know what you want to move on to . When you know you will be able to take your saved coin and have the option of doing what you want.
    cuzzin it Thanks this.
  6. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    In post # 4 of this thread, I sort of made an argument for going ahead and changing your job. Now, I'm gonna throw something in that is sort of the opposite.

    Happiness is within you. If you are basically a happy person, you can adjust to just about anything. And if you are basically an unhappy person, you will remain more or less unhappy.

    Happiness does not come from having things, or from doing things, or from other people. Happiness is strictly up to an individual.

    Not sure that I'm making sense with what I'm trying to say here?:biggrin_2557:
    Freeform and kw9's rock Thank this.
  7. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    OK, I have to ask, why was this thread moved to Oil Field?
  8. V8-MACK

    V8-MACK Light Load Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    I think he,s an oil field driver. Hey Joey if ya have enough cash saved up, just quit and go otr driving. You say you like working alone, seems like a good fit. I worked on a big horizontal drill rig 89-98, in 44 states and Canada. I had to make the road, drive off rd, laborer,operater,mechanic,welder,etc. Not bragging but made 2,300 ave. with 4,900 some weeks. And I quit that was 1 of the stupidest things I,ve ever done. Friends and family where on my case all the time, stuff like quit being on the road you missed this and that. I was 33 at the time, quit on 3-98 my family never called until christmas. I blew my knee out, had shoulder surgery, broke my back in 96, surgery in 02. My 100k in savings was gone, along with all toys,trucks. It would be smart to stay where your at, or you could do 17 hr days at Chicago railyards for JB hunt with a 34 hr reset to the minute, take home 600 and have jb private contractor film you around Milwaukee, and write you up for some dinky thing. I ran 300k tankers, flat bed, hauled equipt off road, that,s alot easier than alot of other driver jobs out there. I can,t get a job in the oil field, winter time is supposed to be busy out there, I would stay put.
    JoeyJunk and Big Don Thank this.
  9. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Like Detroit?
  10. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Take a month or so off & go lay on the beach and get a massage every day. Do this in the Orient, such as Philippines. I did this every year, but usually went to China. Took my built up vacation time plus some unpaid vacation. It clears the mind & puts life in perspective. When your vacation is over, you will know what to do. Loved those Hong Kong, China & Philippine port calls when in the Navy.
    JoeyJunk Thanks this.
  11. Mrtbone

    Mrtbone Light Load Member

    Dec 14, 2012
    Sounds like you're a successful O/O. I'd like to learn from someone successful. Are you leased to someone? Or do you have your own authority? Currently I'm thinking of joining the oil crowd.
    Thank you
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